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Posts posted by IdeaOfEvil

  1. It was years ago when I read Jon Stewart saying something akin to, "It's a sad day in the world when people are looking to the comedians to give us answers." And I think it's just that a lot of modern comedians are wholeheartedly subscribing to the opposite of that mindset who want to think that they're bigger and more important than they actually are. Because it's those professional griefers who won't allow the world to laugh at the type jokes that really push the edge of "funny and offensiveness" because they alone think it's morally wrong - which defeats the point of comedy to begin with. And that's why we have a lot of garbage comedy coming from garbage people who spend more time arguing why you need to like their brand of humor rather than them actually being funny to begin with. But maybe that's just their plan? "If I'm not funny enough, I'll try and bring down better talent to my level through arguing and shaming."


    Still, look at guys like Joe Rogan (who I don't think is particularly funny) who has to deal with large swaths of backlash because he finds and promotes offensive humor as being funny while those same unfunny griefers want to make him responsible for their perceptions of what's wrong in this world. And God bless him for always saying, "Don't listen to me. I'm an idiot," because he's in that same Stewart mindset of not thinking that comedians (or people who exist in the spectrum of comedy) should be responsible for the serious fuck ups that the rest of the world wants to put on their shoulders. Plus, comedians of old have always thought that - whether it was Carlin, Patrice, Stewart, Rogan, or Norm. Hell, years ago Patrice gave a legendary Fox News interview where he went up against some ridiculous "woman who knows what the world needs" and called her out for her b.s. statements about comedy and how there needed to be boundaries set around it as a whole. But guys like him got drowned out, and this current "ridiculous world" of a loud vocal minority being offended got to take over. Thankfully, though, there a handful of guys out there that didn't cave in - Bobby Lee, Theo Von, Anthony Jeselnik, Tom Segura, and Andrew Schulz. And while I do like those guys and their current work, I still find myself going back and listening to older comedy stuff from Howard, Oppie and Anthony, Carlin, Murphy, Pryor, Tosh, and Blanc (etc...) just because they talk all sorts of shit that doesn't have some set rules placed around themselves. With the old stuff, if it's funny then it's funny. If it's not, then try again - no apologies needed. Simple and sweet.

  2. 14 hours ago, elbobo said:


    (1.) This dog stuff is just getting mentioned now, if it was true it would have been all over the place from day one from Punk's camp.


    (2.) What was it that Page said that was bad that Punk completely bury him in a way that was totally off script and he had no way to respond too?


    (3.) Again do you think the Bucks are kicking down doors with the head of talent relations and the chief legal officer there.


    (1.) Not necessarily. The suspensions and the start of an investigation were enacted pretty quickly after the incident happened. And it's only within the last 24 hours that we're hearing that the investigation is over and that Omega and the Bucks are coming back to AEW. So, it's probably only now that Punk is free to say anything since everyone had been put under a gag order while the legal junk was going on. Meltzer is even reporting that with this new revelation of his dog's injury that more than likely this is what the news of Punk possibly creating a lawsuit against AEW has been about (but even that isn't confirmed quite yet). The best synopsis on what probably went down comes from a comment left on F4WOnline's own video post about it all - "If Larry (the dog) was indeed injured, that would give credibility to a lawsuit being threatened and why he (Punk) would be given a buyout instead of just fired. People want to believe a story that paints one party solely in a bad light when it’s clear there’s a lot of stuff we don’t know. It seems like lawyers got involved very early on, so lots of information didn’t [hasn't been able to] come out."


    (2.) Page went out and did a promo on Punk on Dynamite, backhandedly blaming him for trying to get Colt Cabana and his (Punk's) enemies fired from AEW because of their old beef with each other. And Punk wasn't there to defend himself when Page said it in front of a live crowd, which is why months later when Punk did come back, he did his own promo on Page at a live Dynamite by doing the same thing and calling Page out  - except Page WAS there. It's childish on both parties to have done it, but it is wrestling. But okay, why is Punk to blame for all of this? Punk didn't do his call out when Page wasn't at the show like how Page did it to Punk. So, is it because out of the two, Punk is the way better promo worker who can talk shit, and that why he's in the wrong? Plus, Punk is the only guy who explained himself and the whole situation with everyone at the press conference right after he won the title for a second time from Moxley. Page never explained himself or the situation after he went off script against Punk at any time after he did it. So, again, why is Punk the sole villain in this? Because he was better at it than Page?


    (3.) We have never heard what went down from either side of the fight because of the investigation. But we do know that Tony scrambled in a panic right away when he was throwing out suspensions to everyone who was even near the scene of the fight - Christopher Daniels, Michael Nakazawa, and Brandon Cutler. But now that it seems like everything is all over and Tony has made his decision about everyone's future, Punk's team (I guess) feels comfortable enough to literally just come out and say that the EVP's barged in on his dressing room, "kicked down the door" (which apparently hit his dog hard enough that it loosened some teeth that needed surgery to correct), and that the fight started because Omega and the Bucks approached him with hostility. We've even seen pics of Omega's bite mark on his arm that he got from Ace Steel - which very much looks like he had Ace in a rear choke hold based the angle it's at. So, why is anyone thinking that the EVP's are completely innocent in this fight when they're the ones who barged in on Punk? And wouldn't it be pretty stupid for Punk's team to lie about anything (both dog injury and fight) if he doesn't want to get fired and sued, himself?



    Look, I'm sure everyone is happy with how this is resolving - the EVP's get to stay and Punk gets paid to leave. But plain and simple, even if half the roster doesn't like Punk, the EVP's all thought they could flex on him physically after Punk simply said his piece while sitting right next to the BOSS OF AEW who could have shut him up at any time. But Tony didn't, and then a fight broke out, and clearly Tony would rather side with his paid-for-friends that work in his company than with the guy who isn't being paid to be his friend, is serious about his job, and who wants to draw money. But hey, it's his company to do with what he wants. Yet, you'd have to be a special kind of moron to just get rid of your main champion who has given you your biggest draws if you were really in this business to create a lasting impression with fans and the industry. Cuz even if Punk was solely to blame (which I don't believe for one second), a real boss would try to find a way to keep him employed by making him and the rest of the staff work their shit out with one another so everyone can continue to make a better product.

  3. 40 minutes ago, BloodyHell said:

    Lol you actually believe punks bs?

    I don't watch wrestling, but I followed this a bit through reddit (becausethe truth aroundwrestlingis far more interesting than wrestling itself), and it seems everyones opinion who has delt with him is Punk is the bad guy. UFC guys didn't like him either, there was a lot of behind the scenes hate about his attitude when Mickey Gall destroyed him. He's little more than a talented malcontent.


    So, because of a Reddit post you think he's a liar? There's no question everyone thinks he's an asshole. But that doesn't automatically translate into Omega and the Bucks not having stormed into his locker room to start this fight to begin with. And again, let's not forget, Punk only talked shit which got these idiots mad enough to burst in on him. Plus, this all still stems from Page taking those cheap verbal shots at Punk in a promo weeks before Punk ever got back to tv. So, Punk gets his receipt back on Page through his own promo, CLEARLY explains himself and why he did it at a media scrum - while still never physically confronting Page or Colt or anyone else about it - and the three EVP jackasses are the innocent ones when they muscle up on him (enough to injure his dog) when they enter his room?

  4. Been a couple of months. But it looks like the loneliest rich-kid in the world is getting his (paid for) friends back - even though it appears they kicked in Punk's door, slamming it into his dog's face, knocking loose some of said dog's teeth, and proceeding to start the fight themselves based on Punk's earlier comments that he only made after Page started the trash talking from weeks before...


    Booker of the year, folks



  5. That Polygon review is one of the most shallow reads I've ever seen. Is the reviewer not grasping (or intentionally leaving out) that the entire point of this game's narrative is to stick a blatant middle finger to modern US sensibilities? For a videogame writer to be more upset about the idea of Bayonetta not meeting her wants rather than giving two-shits about the merits of the game as the third release in the franchise is pretty asinine

    • Halal 1
  6. On 9/20/2022 at 2:28 PM, Mercury33 said:

    Yep, Ill check that out. Can’t be worse than the one in space right?


    The space one wasn't so bad. It just had typical "early 90's studio hands" ruining the original narrative - which is actually a pretty decent read if you download the script. The question is, will this new one be as bad as everything after the Hellraiser franchise left theaters?

  7. That's so ridiculous if that's what's happening. This is wrestling, where talking shit is paramount to creating good programming - it's called PROMO WORK, and Punk is very good at it. Punk even talked shit about MJF when asked because that's what you're supposed to do. But the EVP's have their feelings hurt, muscle their way into Punk's locker room side-by-side, then create the situation that happened (create the situation to get to happen at all - whatever happened), and at most they get suspensions while Punk is the one who's in an area of possibly getting fired? No wonder Cody left these idiots behind...


    If Khan can't see that this is exactly the storytelling that will make his company larger and competitive with the WWE, and he actually avoids talking about and actually lets Punk go over it, then he's a bigger idiot than we all thought.

  8. Punk is a bonafide expert in making wrestling real to the audience with his verbal skills alone. And it just sucks how there are so many reports and news bits coming out about how he's such a pain in the ass wherever he works (ROH, WWF, AEW) in the wake of all this backstage nonsense.


    To me, the thing is these are all rumors solely coming from Meltzer and his camp of guys, who have been overtly team Elite since day one of AEW’s inception. I’m not saying they’re liars, and I’m not gonna defend Punk. But I’m certainly gonna wait for an unbiased accounting of what went down to come out before I start getting on my moral high horse and calling out people for being wrong and/or right in this situation.

  9. Just watched this last night. It's very good. And barring some eyebrow raising moments of, "why did that happen," it's very, very good. The end conclusion to the last fight is a bit of a miss, unfortunately. But the choreography for it and every other fight is surprisingly solid. It's definitely leaps and bounds better than The Predator (the last movie that was God awful). But depending on your own tastes, it stands very solidly with parts 2 and 3 (Predators). Nothing will ever touch the first movie. But this can definitely hang with the franchise.

    I watched it in the original English recording, and I'm actually kinda pumped to watch it again in the dubbed Comanche language.

  10. I've been waiting 20+ years to see this franchise get more content created since the first movie was released... And, this series is okay. The action and choreography is great. But I was hoping for more creativity and emphasis to be put on various OoPArts. Maybe it's just that the Noah's Arc story was such a fantastic concept, and since the original movie filled in a lot of gaps that this series episode had to kinda skip over that the rest of the show felt a little underwhelming in comparison? In any case, Noah being episode 2 definitely made the rest of the series feel slow.


    I don't know if there's any more content to be adapted. But I sure do like this universe and would love to see another seasons worth of episodes created (even though Netflix just dropped their animation department).

    • Thanks 1
  11. I'm okay with this cuz I have two schools of thought:

    1 - if the manga fails/isn't satisfactory with its eventual conclusion, in my mind (and maybe others) I can always think to myself, "Miura didn't do it, and I don't have to consider anything made after he passed away as canon or official, or as anything that he would have done if he was still around."

    2 - But then, if this manga does end terrifically, and does tell a fantastic story, then I'll be happy with it and can praise it as a great send up to Miura as well as being a great nod to his family for allowing such great hands to take over the franchise in his place.

    So, it's kind of a win-win no matter how the manga ends. If it's bad, it doesn't matter. If it's good to great, I'll happy.

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  12. Meltzer is reporting that Scott was taken off of life support 4 hours ago and he's still with us. But heart attacks are serious business to the people that live through them. Having three is a severe shock to the system. It's nice to hear he's still fighting. But what will his quality of life be if he actually wakes up? I and my family have worked in the medical field for decades now, and we've all seen how sometimes peacefully passing away is substantially better than pulling through. Whatever happens, I hope Scott gets what's best for him and for those around him.

  13. I grew up in SF, I have life long friends that live in SF, and I still consider SF my home even though I've lived an entire city away for 2 decades now. Interview was mandatory reading if you were lucky enough to have been a reader as a child, and this death definitely hurts. She's royalty to the pre-tech/money gentrification SF community from before 2000, and I really hope she gets a great memorial party in her honor - whether it's in New Orleans alone or if SF can get a genuine celebration of her life together as well.



  14. Does anyone here know what the "unpatched" first versions of the Switch consoles are? I was thinking about trading mine in and upgrading to this OLED model. But someone mentioned that early version Switch's are unpatched, and I checked mine through someonline program and it is. But I don't know what that really means, and I have no clue if its worth getting rid of for an OLED model.


    Anyone have any opinions? Thanks

  15. Years ago, my grandfather was talking to all of us kids about his will and what possessions of his would go to us after he was gone. My uncle, his youngest son, was bothered by the discussion even happening. He asked, "I don't like talking about this. Doesn't it bother you?" And my gramps simply said, "As you get older, and all your heroes and friends start to die off themselves, death doesn't bother you as much. It just simply becomes your way of life." Norm is one of my heroes, and today I got to understand just what my gramps was saying a little bit better. This life got a whole lot less familiar for me =(

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