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Guillotine Operator
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Posts posted by Jason

  1. 10 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

    I'll continue to reiterate that the OT had no plan and is still the best, so, it's possible that JJ is just... generally not good at storytelling.


    Not everything needs to completely pre-planned like Babylon 5. DS9 got to basically the same tier as B5 by retroactively mining its past seasons for the ideas. Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis also did this to good effect, making shit up as they went a lot of the time, but keeping things together and fairly cohesive across 15 seasons of television, including some connection points while their broadcasts overlapped, because they would actually keep track of what they'd previously done. 


    JJ and his acolytes don't even do that much. They just keep piling on new shit with zero regard for even the immediately prior episode.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

    JJ Abrams has himself admitted he's not good at endings, then he was hired to rush the film that was meant to be an ending to a trilogy and a nine film saga and it was Star Wars on cocaine. The original Star Wars trilogy is great and wasn't necessarily made with a mapped out "plan", it's just JJ Abrams isn't good at this.


    Nor are his acolytes. For example interviews with the Picard writers about how they'd use their COVID downtime were pretty (unintentionally?) damning about how writing for the first season went. It's incredible how far up they've failed.

  3. 5 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    I can 100% assure you that “petty revenge” over the Former Imbecile-in-Chief had absolutely nothing to do with Amazon’s seeming overpayment for MGM.


    That is simply not how business works.


    Bezos buying MGM because he's a big  Stargate fan and is sick of waiting for another show to come out is a lot more plausible given that resurrecting The Expanse was a decision that came directly from Bezos.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

    I think letting the communities in which those monuments reside should be able to decide what to do with them, but I also think any confederate monuments need to have ANOTHER monument like right next to it being like "yeah that guy over there was a racist and supported subjugation of an entire race of people, also he'd probably think you're a soft soy boy fat piece of shit if he met you today."


    Also I have not once ever heard of someone advocating for the removal of a statue of Lincoln, I like how she through that in there just to say "hey I'M not racist!"


    "The neighborhood character depends on this statue!" 

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