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Guillotine Operator
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Posts posted by Jason

  1. On 1/8/2024 at 2:42 AM, cusideabelincoln said:

    Megabit ethernet ports are just unacceptable, so it's surprising they don't have better equipment available. It's definitely complaint worthy; maybe start a petition in your building.


    lol I'm a dummy, I was absolutely convinced the problem was with my ISP's router but it looks like the problem was actually the motherboard on my old computer (mobo was 10 years old) only having megabit. Noticed just now that I was getting my full advertised speed downloading games on Steam over ethernet on the new computer. :lol:


    Still not the best router and only WiFi 5, but it moves into good enough territory knowing the ports are actually gigabit.

    • Shocked 1
    • Hype 1
  2. Okay finally found a set of instructions that fixed the Xbox app problem. Putting them here for posterity too.





    It seems like an update to the Windows Xbox App or Game Services has broken the app for anyone trying to sign in for the first time. When the Xbox Apps opens it becomes unresponsive, you can't click anything and the only way to close it is via task manager.

    Here's the simple fix:

    1. Open Task Manager and force end the Xbox App
    2. Open Xbox Game Bar (Windows key+ G)
    3. Sign into you're Xbox Account inside of the Xbox Game Bar
    4. Now that you signed in you can once again open the Xbox App and everything should be working. If so, you're all done.

    If you're having issues with Game Services, then follow these steps.

    1. Run Powershell as admin
    2. Copy/Paste this command then press enter to delete Game Services: get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers
    3. Then Copy/Pase this command and press enter to reinstall Game Services: start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN
    4. If needed repeat the 1st fix.


    Now onto fixing the issue with the bluetooth not working until after I've logged in...which I don't think I'm doing until tomorrow at this point.

  3. 14 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    "AI" checkout was actually powered by 1,000 human video reviewers in India.

    While the concept was that AI would track which items were purchased , "Walk Out required about 700 human reviews per 1,000 sales".  In essence, purchases were mostly tracked by workers watching you on cameras in India.


    It wasn't a mechanical Turk situation, they were using a lot of human training. 

  4. 34 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:

    The lever mechanism should stay on. I haven't personally done an AM5 build, but as long as you lined the CPU correctly into the socket you should be good to go. The CPU does need that tension to create good contact with the pins in the motherboard.


    Okay cool, pushing through it was fine, it just felt like an unnerving amount of pressure required initially.

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