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Posts posted by DarkStar189

  1. 9 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

    Shit, if I were a worker there I would be voluntarily giving my DNA to the investigators just so I don't have to put up with questioning or being a suspect later on. 

    I really hope they find who did it. Im super curious to know who it was. Was it someone that worked there? Another patient/patients family member? 

  2. 10 hours ago, TwinIon said:

    I think this is awesome, even though it'll be far more expensive than any reasonable person would pay. Their wallpaper display starts at $8k, and this one includes an ATMOS sound bar.


    That custom stand/sound bar combo would be outrageous in price before you even factor in the 65" rolling tv.  :money:

  3. 7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    Mmm kinda. She certainly wasn't as annoying as last year. I think she's carved in a place. She was mostly like "I like this because it's dumb or bad" saying she wants to play fallout 76 and how she enjoyed Detroit. :p

    She definitely wasn't as bad as last year. Last year she wouldn't stfu about that Dream Daddy game. I remember being super annoyed. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Either way, something about this seems... off to me. Like we'll be seeing a Netflix crime series about this 15 years from now explaining how these guys are Patsies and Law Enforcement wanted to find a non-racial solution to this. Seems odd to me that several Eye-witnesses all describe the same suspect and vehicle but the perps are NOTHING like that. 

    Some of this stuff is just exhausting to me. Having to see a weeks worth of articles about how racism and violence is alive and well in America. Black family getting shot up in broad daylight. But now the story is nothing like that. 2 bad guys put a hit on a car but had the wrong car all together. I'm assuming gang violence? Like you said, where did this description of a white guy come from? Did one person say it, so suddenly everyone at the scene latched on to it? Cover up? It's extremely sad for the innocent family. Everything else just added a huge layer of nonsense to it. 

  5. https://abcnews.go.com/US/authorities-interviewing-persons-interest-murder-year-jazmine-barnes/story?id=60187049


    Eric Black Jr and Larry Woodruff have been arrested. I believe both men are black. At the moment I keep seeing one mugshot. 

    "After Black was taken in for the signal and drug violations, he was interviewed by homicide detectives and admitted to driving the rental vehicle that opened fire on Barnes' car. He also told police he had the pistol at his home, which matched shell casings found at the scene of Barnes' shooting." 

    I think what I'm gathering is people claimed a white guy in the red pick up was the shooter but it was actually 2 black men in a different car. The pick up truck was an innocent bystander fleeing from the shooting. 

  6. The had their chance with Half Life. At this point I don't know what a new HL game would even be. If it was VR related there's no way I'd be investing that much in pc hardware to run it. If it was just continuing the same story, it would have to be something ground breaking to make up for this amount of time. I just don't see it.  


  7. I do. My jaw was fine until I was about 17 years old. I noticed I was suddenly developing a small under bite. Dentist checked it out ended up going to a specialist and everything who made a 3D image of my mouth/jaw. The conclusion was when I was born the doctor might have pulled too hard on my jaw area which eventually lead to my jaw developing this issue when I was growing in my teens. Visually you can't really tell anything is wrong unless I bite together. It's like the right side of my jaw is lower then the left side causing a slightly crooked under bite. Its not really noticeable but it's something that has gotten a tiny bit worse over the years.  I'm 31 now. Occasionally I can feel some slight cracking or popping but compared to what some of you have described it's been barely noticeable. The specialist I saw said he's treated a lot a people with a jaw like mine. The fix was basically get braces again for a few months with those rubber bands that connect the top and bottom jaw. Then have corrective jaw surgery where they dislocate your jaw and screw it to where its supposed to be. Your jaw gets wired shut for some time. Then the braces with the rubber bands help hold everything into place during the healing process. It was also a $50,000 surgery that he said the insurance company doesn't like to pay for because they deem it as "cosmetic" surgery. But with enough doctor notes he can "usually" get it covered. After hearing all that my parents were like well...... let's just wait and see. Now it's up to me someday I guess. In my head I keep thinking... well maybe I'll get into a fight someday or small car accident involving the air bag. I'll just try to go jaw first.  Make sure it gets covered medically:lol:

  8. I would personally keep the tv you have now unless you have a ton of 4k content ready to watch and play. I'm using a plasma TV from 2013 that l still get compliments on all the time whenever somebody comes over. We have a 43" LG 4k HDR tv in the bedroom that usually just streams Netflix. It was a cheaper set so while I can notice the resolution difference, it still isn't THAT amazing especially compared to my plasma that has much better blacks. I'll only replace my plasma someday with an oled or a really high end Qled from Samsung. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Jason said:


    Maybe the 1080p panels are comparatively costlier to make at this point due to lower production volumes? Which would explain not adding other features to them.

    In the more recent Best Buy ad I think they have quite a few tv's on sale in the 50-60" range ranging in price from $300-500. Most say 4k HDR. Meanwhile in the same ad a 32" 1080p Samsung tv was $300.  Crazy stuff. 

  10. Worked half a day today. Went to my parents tonight for dinner. Had prime rib and a bunch of homemade sides. Kids opened presents there. After that went to my wife's church for the Christmas eve service. My 6 year old son has been telling everyone all day he's going to stay up to catch Santa...so that could make present time hard. I'm sure he will pass out early though. 

    My happy time will be tomorrow's breakfast. We make this big egg casserole I guess you would call it in the crock pot over night. I usually go to bed around 12 so I turn it on low and its good by morning.  Eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage, hash browns, onion, and peppers all melted together. Then my wife has sausage, biscuits, and gravy. THEN she made a french toast casserole thing that gets baked in the oven. I'm going to be stuffed. 



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  11. I played for 2 hours the other day and had some bad BAD games. Over the years I usually just stick to conquest mode so that's what I've been playing. That's just Battlefield to me.  These games were so horribly one sided.  I think the one game we lost was like 0-280. Campers were a big problem. I don't know the name of the maps but the one is especially rough. It's a desert setting with an airplane hanger in the middle. A couple points were so heavily camped by heavy machine gunners and snipers my squad kept getting wiped no matter which direction we went. 

    Anti air guns on the map seem fucking useless. You get in one and about 5 seconds later someone snipes you or just pops up and shoots you from the side. It's like the maps aren't made for those stationary guns. 

    I still dont like the flying in these games. I probably have said this in every Battlefield thread since BF2. I consider myself to be a veteran of Battlefield 2 on the PC . I put hundreds of hours into it. Flying in these new games just feel like by the time you line up a shot against a ground target you are about to crash into the ground. Then the maps feels so small you are constantly turning because your about to fly "out of bounds" and the death timer starts counting down.  I need to see if it's possible to load up a singleplayer game of BF2 on the pc. In my head it's like these massive levels with more then ample room to have fun and fly around. But with the new games it's all about funneling you right into the action non stop. 

    My other nitpicks with the game are how the menus are laid out and the weapon skins. The menu part is just a personal thing I guess. It's all laid out clearly, it just feels like it can take a lot of time to customize your characters /weapons. And a lot of the weapon skins seem pointless. They just aren't that noticeable. They aren't flashy like in Call of Duty. If I scroll over in the menu and see some chrome or blue rifle skin set you can buy for 14,900 credits, it should look pretty amazing. These look boring. 

    Mix all that with the couple of bad games I had, and my desire to jump in for another 30 minute match is dwindling. 


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