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Posts posted by Joe

  1. 4 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    It's a Red blend and it's damn good. I had it at our company Christmas party 6 or 7 years ago and it's blown up in popularity since. When me and the lady were in NYC last month we had a bottle with friends. Everyone loves it. I came across this article when I was searching for stores that sold it in Manhattan.




    It's a damn good bottle of Wine and worth the 35-40 bucks in my opinion.


    It's mostly zinfandel as the article indicates. I'm sure it's damn tasty, but that price is way inflated by the brand's popularity.

  2. 3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:


    Me and my lady drink a ton of wine... I had a nice glass of Cabernet last night to finish the night off after the whiskey :p 


    This is one of our current favs right now




    It's mostly zinfandel right? Seems like for that high of a price tag it's probably a super high alcohol (15% or higher) wine that is bordering on candy sweet (zinfandels arent sweet like a moscato per se, but they have high residual sugar content). For 40 bucks, I could recommend way better wine than that brah!.

  3. 4 hours ago, Chris- said:


    I love wine, but I find it harder to get into because the branding is poor outside of the major wineries, which makes it harder to track who or what you are buying. Like I could tell you what I think of Prophecy or Ravenswood, but anything that lacks major branding? I wouldn't be able to recall how it was. Plus wine is just harder to appreciate.


    Wine definitely has a learning curve, but once you're in, you're hooked. But I guess it was different for me since wine has been at every single meal with my family in my life. Eating without wine in Spain is literally inconceivable. 


    I would say start with learning the grapes. Even if they all seem the same to you at first once you taste enough, you will start to notice distinctions eventually.

  4. 18 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    Okay? This isn't some weird or controversial opinion. 


    Cucumbers and bread and butter pickles literally make me gag/vomit, but I love the shit out of dill pickles. Are you gonna play some gotcha game over that, too?


    It's not gotcha! I'm just surprised how people hate mayo with a passion, yet love aioli. They're the same thing.

  5. 25 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

    The Imbecile at least has something resembling experience with a large organization which is something the Guido Lawyer cannot say for himself.


    True, but he has a FAR better education and was by all accounts a model law student. GWU has a fucking award named after him. I know you're going to say so what, but that at least makes him far more qualified than Trump.

  6. 1 hour ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    Many would disagree. 


    I wouldn't give it to him, personally, since he's a DH most of the time, but he's proven himself invaluable to the team. 


    He certainly has been. Nice to have unlimited funds to spend on players.

  7. 41 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    JD has proved to be an excellent signing. Two legitimate MVP candidates on the same team. Man, I'm loving this season. 


    Amazing hitter, but not really an MVP candidate.

  8. 1 hour ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    For all you WAR junkies, guess who now leads in that category?


    Mookie for MVP, y'all.


    Especially considering that he has much lower PA's than the other two. He would definitely be the MVP if the season ended today.

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