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Posts posted by Joe

  1. A good question to ask yourself in the beginning is if you want a German style knife or a Japanese style knife. If you have an Amazon account, it’s easy to try both and return the one you don’t like. 

    For Japanese style, MAC is the brand I like. This knife is ridiculous:




    In the upper end of what you were willing to spend, but there is no reason why this won’t last you for the rest of your life. There’s a slightly higher chance of chipping it supposedly because Japanese steeper is thinner (and sharper) but I’m super clumsy and it’s never happened to me.


    I also do have a German style knife but it was a gift. The company is called Baron Cutlery. They are from NJ and they don’t even have a functioning website (just Instagram). I absolutely love the knife I have though. I sharpen it once like a year and I’m good.


    But something bigger brand would be the classic Wusthof. Serious Eats loves this knife:




    You’ll also want to get a sharpening stone and a honing steel rod. The sharpening stone is literally there to use once a year or every 9 months. The honing steel rod is you can use each time you cut stuff and you’ll notice a difference with a honed knife.


  2. 2 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    The report provides a snapshot of the social media usage trends amongst online Canadian adults based on an online survey of 1500 participants.  Canada continues to be one of the most connected countries in the world. An overwhelming majority of online Canadian adults (94%) have an account...


    I ain’t clicking on your maple syrup link. What’s your point?

  3. 11 minutes ago, Jason said:






    Not interested in this back and forth tbh. Brittany Gibson has been covering George politics for a while. Arguing that this is somehow the result of Springer’s influence is completely conspiracy theory thinking. You’re welcome to it.

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