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Posts posted by ThreePi

  1. People post these tax revenue numbers as some big victory, but are they? There's more to it than just $x received in taxes. While being an early adopter they're sure to be pulling in money from other states, but people have a finite number of dollars to spend and a dollar spent on marijuana is a dollar not spent elsewhere. It's just another regressive sin tax, it's not real solution.

  2. 25 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    It still requires two thirds of Congress to agree that the president is unfit.


    And given that the FBI in the past had spied on the president and engaged in blackmail, I don't trust them to not engage in other illegal acts to get their way with Congress when it comes to the president.


    This president is a threat to everyone, but so is letting the FBI decide what is in the national interest

    Yeah, but if the Cabinet, people who are appointed by and report to the president directly, say he's unfit then he has to provide justification that he is fit for duty. Then all members of Congress have to go on record as well.  I think the political optics of Trump's appointees saying unfit, but slack-jawed GOP politicians overriding that would be incredibly damaging. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Reputator said:

    I read this tweet about ten times and I can't make grammatical sense out of #4. Can someone please translate?

    There are 23 committees in the house. The GOP has assigned members to 22 committees. The only one they haven't filled yet is the House Intelligence Committee, which can't start its work until the GOP assigns members to it.


    So, we have to wait until GOP stop being cowards (never) or Pelosi wields that Big Dick Energy and lays down an ultimatum.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Massdriver said:


    Kamala- Authoritarian DA

    Bernie- Old and allowed sexual harassment in his 2016 campaign to go on

    Beto- In bed with oil companies and is apparently a corporate shill

    Gillibrand-  ?

    Warren-  "Pocahontas" by Trump

    Biden- Old news

    Booker- corporate shill

    Castro- no charisma

    Everyone else- generic nobodies



    Gillibrand is/was known for being a centrist/Blue Dog.

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