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Scape Zero

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Posts posted by Scape Zero

  1. 4 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

    I wonder how likely it'll be that a significant number of people (enough to surpass the 30% cut they're trying to avoid) will actually go to a website on their phone and give a shit about this?

    I feel like if it's not on the play store, millions of people will assume it just doesn't exist on the platform and not download it at all.


    But I guess they're in a position to find out!


    That's what I'm thinking.


    I'm sure it's still going to be super popular, but I'd imagine being number one on the Google Play top charts would make it even more popular.

  2. 16 minutes ago, monkk said:

    If a free game requires hundreds of dollars a year, it isn't free.


    As a Hearthstone player I'm super excited by the economics and I trust that Valve can make a good game. Also sorta hoping Hearthstone becomes cheaper as a result, Blizzard needs competition in this space.


    Right but if a 20 dollar game requires hundreds of dollars a year, it's even less free.


    That's why I'm waiting. I don't want to spend money to find out it's the same old shit. I can play Hearthstone for free if I want to play a game where only those who dump all their money into it succeed.


    This is why I don't like TCGs. They are fun, but they are more or less just a fucking scam. People whine and cry about games that have more or less useless lootboxes you can ignore and never really lose out on anything, yet go and spank it to TCGs who's entire business model is locking game changing cards behind expensive RNG lootboxes.


    Maybe I'm just overly disappointed because I was expecting Valve to change this. CSGO is a cheap investment, that only has cosmetics. DotA 2 is free, only cosmetics. I was kinda expecting this game to follow suit, but it's sounding very much just like other TCGs, only you get more cards to start, and no way to get more without paying.

  3. 2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:


    Laws against murder, theft, what have you, are made for punishment but also made as a deterrent. Any argument saying, "Criminals won't follow the law," is an argument against laws and for anarchy.


    Okay it's still illegal to sell a ghost gun though.


    So like, what's the issue?

  4. 27 minutes ago, Jason said:



    The only thing I can remotely think of (obviously this isn't directly about tax brackets but still) is, aren't there assistance programs that drop you off a cliff once your income exceeds a certain level instead of graduated phaseouts?


    A lot of social services drop you basically completely once you hit the income level of "if you spend all your money towards food, you should have enough food to survive".


    I don't think many people in these programs are making enough money to worry about tax brackets though.

  5. 3 hours ago, Chris- said:


    No? One of the studies used a natural sweetener as a variable, but the conclusion wasn't painted in a 'artificial vs natural' kind of way. 



    If responding to an annoying post (and not even holding a grudge, since outsida and I have since exchanged pleasant posts) is getting 'overly emotional', your username must be in the dictionary next to 'histrionic'.


    Has nothing to do with holding a grudge. It's that you found it as annoying as you did. He just called the studies shit, you are the one who responded all "How dare he make me defend my choice to not drink soda!"


    But yeah, I'm the one with emotional issues.

  6. On 7/23/2018 at 10:21 AM, skillzdadirecta said:

    Or, people can show some discipline and not feel the need to dump their random, fucked up thoughts on a public forum that they have no control over. If people just started running out into the middle of the street and shouted random stupid shit, we'd think that person had emotional problems or impulse control issues at the very least, right? Twitter is the same thing.  Don't tweet stupid shit if you dont want to be held accountable for it later... it's not that hard.


    I agree, but a lot of when this shit is being dug up was a time before people really understood what the future of social media would be like. Even looking back just a couple years, most people didn't really understand the impact that a joke could have on their future.


    Tie that together with a society that's so divided, and so eager to be offended by anything and everything, with people being far more chill 10 years ago, and you have old tweets from your run off the mill shock jock causing massive shit storms today.


    The shit Gunn said was fucked up, but it's not really all that bad. It's not something the average person would run around screaming in public, but someone who doesn't understand what makes black humor funny, saying it to some people they think might find it funny? I'm going to assume that's mostly what Twitter was to him back then. We've all said jokes that aren't funny, we just all had the privilege of not being famous and have millions of people being able to to scrub damn near everything we've ever said to get us fired. This is what most of the shit that gets dug up is. Off color jokes, made for a small group of people, most of which just missed the mark.


    This is why Twitter needs to be deleted. The societal climate and use of Twitter has changed from it's creation. There's like a decade of tweets damn near everyone has that will get them fucked today, most of which aren't anything actually bad (I.E. an actual racist saying racist shit, an actual pedophile promoting pedophilia, etc). Modern Twitter has just become a platform for a bunch of stuff important check marks to start campaigns against anyone they see as an enemy, which will almost certainly result in material that will hurt them today.


    Just look up what they have against Patton Oswald. There's a few insensitive things he's said in the past... That aren't even actually what he said. Not as in people faked what he said, just unfortunate formatting structuring his tweets to have an entirely different meaning taken out of context, due to sentences and words being chopped in exactly the wrong places.


    So while I agree, tweeting that a black person is a monkey, regardless of what you meant by it, is obviously something you shouldn't do today, there's a lot of other things that where more acceptable 10 years ago that are hurting people today. Also just the general atmosphere of Twitter has become one that seeks out to destroy anyone and everyone to the extent that context is no longer relevant. While you might think you are saying something rather tame, there's people out there that will interpret it as sexist, racist, pro fascism, pro communism, and whatever ist and ism you can think of, and use it to destroy you.


    Twitter is cancer. I'm just glad I always found the concept stupid and never got involved.

  7. 15 minutes ago, marioandsonic said:

    It's sad that despite that graph, obesity is still going up.  Crazy.


    And yes, I know that there a LOT more factors into the obesity epidemic than soda, but still.


    I'm going to assume it's cause soda was never the cause.


    The joke has always been that the person who gets 4k worth of calories at McDonald's tries to make it better with a diet Coke. I'd be willing to bet that the drop in soda is going to be something like that.


    Also when we measure obesity, we aren't exactly measuring how much every individual weighs either. Obese people could be losing weight overall, while more people just hit the obese mark. So we have more people making bad choices, but the choices aren't as bad as when fewer people where obese.


    Either one of those could easily explain a discrepancy with that graph and obesity rates. I'm guessing the latter isn't going to be what's happening though.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Chris- said:

    The speed and willingness with which you enter conversations to tell someone they're mad will never cease to be amusing.


    The speed and willingness with which you get mad will never cease to be amusing.


    We work well together Chris. As long as you get overly emotional about everything, I'll always be there to point and laugh at you. We both win.

  9. 55 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    I mean, sodas are poison, but so is alcohol. I don't see any of the good folks here condemning that. 


    For the record, I'm not a teetotaler, but I see a lot of people who have completely destroyed themselves with booze. It's not a pretty death. 


    Alcohol is way more poisonous to boot.


    I've always hated people that use that argument to why they only drink water or never go within 50 miles of a McDonald's or some shit. Those same people are the ones who get beyond fucked up on whatever they can grab, whenever they can.


    "Ew gross, hamburgers. McDonald's is literally poison. Now excuse me while I snort this K I just got from this stranger in the parking lot."

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