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Posts posted by Iculus

  1. 3 minutes ago, Joe said:

    Basically for people that don't understand European bullshit soccer, each season there are three competitions, unlike in American sports. Here we have a regular season and then playoffs that determines a winner. There they have 3 different competitions basically:


    1. The regular season. In Spain, it's called La Liga (the league). Like it's an actual honor to just finish the regular season in first place unlike here. This is the second most important title a team can win.

    2. The league cup. In Spain it's called La Copa Del Rey. All the Spanish teams compete in a tournament to crown the winner of Spain. Interestingly, this is less prestigious than winning the regular season.

    3. Champion's League. This is what this new league would potentially be replacing. The higher ranked teams from the many different European soccer leagues compete in a tournament to crown the winner of Europe. This is the most important title.


    All three of these things happen concurrently which I always thought was fucking weird, too. 


    I'm not an avid follower, but that is how I understand soccer to work.

    I think that's the way it works for the American leagues as well. I honestly only care about the MLS cup, but ATLUTD have also competed in the Concacaf Chanpions League, U.S. Open Cup,  and the Campeones Cup.I have no idea where the prestige lies.

  2. The biggest disconnect for American sports fans is the concept of teams competing for multiple trophies. I didn't get it until Atlanta United won the MLS cup, and then participated in Copa, Gold Cup, and concacaf. Even then, while I understand the concept, I still don't understand where the leagues exist as far competition/prestige in Europe. This post may not make any sense. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

    I can't be the only one that has GoBots toys, right? I'm talking about back when they were a Transformers competitor and incredibly cheap in comparison.



    Oh, I definitely had them. I had a bunch of pretty much everything else mentioned as well. G.I. Joe was what I probably had the most of, but thanks to the internet G.I. Joe just makes me think of pork chop kitchen fires. 

  4. 7 hours ago, Biggie said:

    The way you defend this guy I’d swear he was your uncle. I like the team just not the skipper so I’ll keep my hat. Sorry I didn’t know you weren’t allowed to be a fan of a team and criticize it’s crap leadership. 

    Baseball managers are the least consequential out of all sports. They sign the lineup card, and make pitching changes. 90% of their job is to stand on the top step of the dugout and yell come on kid. They are glorified cheerleaders. 


    Do you actually watch the games, or do you just get score updates?


    Going into yesterday's game Morton had a 1.13 ERA in the 1st 4 innings. He gave up 5 in 3 yesterday. Is that on Snitker?


    The Braves lead the league in team bullpen ERA (low 2s), yet they were garbage over the weekend. Snitker?


    Pache's bat isn't ready for the show, but there is no minor league for him to participate in. They can't just let one of their best prospects rot. Snitker?


    The NL leader in HRs and RBI from last year has 1 HR and 4 RBI with a sub .200 BA. Duval would've helped cover that up but without a universal DH there isn't a roster spot for him. 


    Snitker is exactly the kind of manager you want at the helm on a team this young. Complaining about him just makes you sound like a typical know-nothing caller to a sports talk radio show.


  5. 34 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    And? You act as if time with the organization is a valid reason to put him at the helm to lead the team. Yes it’s up to the players to win games but it’s also the managers job to put his players in the best position to win those games. Look at the Hawks. Same team, same players, better coach to lead them and they look like a different team. Brian is a nice guy but that’s a silly reason to keep him as manager when clearly he isn’t good at it. 

    You called him a journeyman. He isn't. That's what I was addressing. Words mean things.


    They play 160 games. Calm down, or send your hat back. I don't really give a shit.

  6. 2 hours ago, Biggie said:

    Can the Braves please hire a big league manager and not a minor league journeyman manager? Thanks

    he's been with the organization forever. it's ultimately up to the players to win games. the Braves will be fine. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

    I mentioned this in another thread, as I was waiting for my covid shot yesterday, I was thinking I could never be a pharmacist. At my work, there are plenty of times where I charge the wrong card, give someone the wrong to go order, or cash out the wrong tab. At my work, it's not the end of the world. Pharmacists must do those same things on occasion, only they're affecting peoples medicine and people could die. I understand that's why they go to school for years, but I've been bartending for like a decade and I still fuck up sometimes. It's not that I don't know that I'm not supposed to do something, it's just that my brain slips when too much (or not enough) stuff is going on.


    In this analogy, that's why I think cops shouldn't have lethal force during traffic stops. Their mind might slip. It happens. Then someone's dead.

    there are far more checks in place in order to prevent pharmacists from doing this, though. 

  8. 1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

    I feel like part of the disconnect here between the what is and what could be is that we live in a world in which sports evolved almost exclusively for the participation of males. I'm thinking about what it would be like if we moved away from the construct we as a society created and simply included everybody in our competitive activities. I think they would all look very different from how they are today.

    Yep. The quality of the opponent will almost always dictate the quality of the athlete (unless you are Katie Ledecky). It's impossible to draw any conclusions about how women would perform against men without them actually competing against men. This would have to be a generational test study. You can't just say best v. best at this point.

  9. 4 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    I could see letting her go, to an extent. But not knowing what she has in her car (and we find that it's a gun that she used on him), and the fact that she was telling people where she was (don't know if they're armed), there are a lot of moving elements. He even tried a taser at first, which is the nonlethal option, and I've learned they're not 100% reliable.


    Do we really have to insult the cop when the person who shot him was also fat? Why not pick our battles? I just get worried that at some point, we're just hurting good officers. Yeah, the dude is huge, but he was patient as all hell, wasn't going out guns blazing, and tried non-lethal force AND told her to drop the gun. That's what I want to see as opposed to the Virginia cops who came out guns blazing and I'm pretty sure realized they eff'd up by the end of it. But for this video, I'd rather she had turned her life around (only 31) and he wasn't shot, but given the circumstance, that's a situation when I feel it's brought on herself, and he's alive at that point because he's armed.


    There has to be not necessarily a straight middle, but something between guns blazing and being unarmed, imo.

    The person with outstanding warrants wasn't in the car. It's none of his business what is in the car at that point. I'm not insulting the officer. I'm questioning why we don't have fitness requirements for a job where fitness is potentially extremely important. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    I don't know what the percentage of armed people are in traffic stops, but I think it's more than we think. Ex: I just saw this recently.



    I feel terrible that the woman was only 31. But I think at that point, after all that patience, and clearly trying to go in the vehicle several times where her weapon is, that lethal force was the only thing that made sense (especially since his taser failed, which apparently happens often).


    Had he not been armed, then we'd just have a possible dead cop due to a taser that didn't work.

    she obviously wasn't who they were looking for. Let her go, and live to fight another day. Why are morbidly obese people allowed to be on patrol?

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