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Posts posted by Bitgod

  1. Played my first game of BR, wheee.  So the key to winning is apparently getting a sniper rifle.  Cuz that's how I died.  And everyone that died down the chain died that way.  I liked that the killcam would keep following whoever killed the person you were watching.  It is kinda fun and I'd be more into it, if I didn't have a potato GPU.  It was too abstract art for me.

  2. I got a K70 Lux RGB last Winter, I'm quite chuffed with it.  I was thinking of getting the brown switches, but those don't go on sale as often as the red switch ones, so I ended up with a red and I'm fine with it.  This is my first mechanical since I had a Focus 2001 20+ years ago.


    I couldn't give up the LCD on my previous G19 keyboard doe, so I have it plugged in still and propped up behind my display so I can see my system stats.

  3. On 7/3/2018 at 2:48 AM, vaxick said:

    I'd not be personally be a fan of that as their physics engine has never been as strong as Farsights has.  


    As @Bitgod said, it's a waiting game now to see what the owner does with these tables along with what happens to Farsight.  



    Bad Cats was a fun one.  I own my childhood favorite machine, GoldenEye, but I don't forsee that one ever being digitized as I imagine it's probably one of the most expensive if not the most expensive pin on the planet when it comes to licensing fees.  



    Probably need to register to view it.  I haven't tinkered with VP at all yet, so I don't know how much of a headache it is to get these going.

  4. Yeah, that was the main speculation.  The current owner is mainly known for making gambling, primarily slot machine, software.  So they'll have to learn the ropes, but it's not totally alien to them.


    Some other speculation was that they might offer free pinball as a gateway to gambling in some way, or that they may end up buying Farsight and by pulling the majority of the tables away, they've made Farsight a cheaper acquisition.  Who knows.


    I'm going to have to spend some time seeing about making Visual Pinball work, mainly to play some old games that hadn't been done by Farsight.  I have to admit I have a fetish for Bad Cats.  It's what me and a buddy would play all the time at the local game room.  It was just so funnily annoying with it's constant meowing.

  5. The dev, Farsight, has lost the license for all Williams and Bally tables.  After June 30, you won't be able to buy those tables for the game any more.  Any tables you own you will still have.  Also unfortunately, Farsight wasn't allowed any final sales, so everything is full price.  AND, Tales of the Arabian Nights, the first free table in the game, will disappear if you don't own it already, getting it for free won't keep it.


    So, you've got less than 48 hours to make your final purchases.  They've jerked the DLC out of the store, I've just noticed, because of course.  So if you want to purchase, in Steam anyway, you have to do it from within the game.  I don't know how it works on the consoles.

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