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Posts posted by unogueen

  1. Carbs aren't the problem. It's the industrialized nature of food commodity that's the problem. Want some ham and cheese on rye for breakfast, perfectly fine. PB and Jelly on wonder bread, that's all refined sugars that hit the dopamine and do shit for satiety. Same with all these potato/corn chips. Cheap crops for easy commerce. Rather than a discussion on nutrition in a vacuum, there should be contextualization how the markets intervene in our food supply. Particularly when economic struggles force people to live off highly subsidized industrial pablum.

  2. Anyone on that boohoo train that America can't strike because it's special can eat shit. You had a robust labour movement until Reagan gave you all amnesia, and if the question is 'how do i eat?' You help each other out. AKA become a real community. Stores and services open their doors to all or are ransacked in turn. Make like there's no past to return to and start burning bridges.

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