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Posts posted by Spawn_of_Apathy

  1. 13 hours ago, DPCyric said:


    What is odd about it? Tom Cruise only has a couple bad movies on his resume and I imagine generally rejects the role for any script he feels is bad (I really don't know why he accepted the role for The Mummy tbh). Honestly I am disappointed he doesn't diversify a little more playing it safe is his downfall but it is hard to argue against his action hero resume.

    Maybe his agent did a good job selling the cinematic universe they were trying to go for, as though he could be that franchise's Tony Stark, making big money for even just small cameos. 

  2. I sat in a town hall meeting at a previous job where the CEO was telling us how well the company was growing and all the areas we were spending more money to be more competitive in the industry. A person asked if they were going to look at increasing wages to be more competitive or bringing anual merit increases to the levels they were a year prior.


    The head of HR our "Chief People Officer" replied by saying that you never want to be the company paying the most for labor, nor the company paying the least. That they had done a survey of the industry and found we were not at the bottom in pay so there was no need to adjust at this time. 


    Not a great answer, but at least they were honest. But obviously there are companies that are perfectly fine paying the lowest in an industry. Those companies on the lower end of the curve are the ones seeing trouble finding people. These companies forget that people do  not get jobs just for disposable income. They need money to live, and some companies barely, if they even do pay their employees enough for that. 


    I get that shareholders are important, but they have to find a balance. Share holders won't stick around if nobody is staffed to produce/service anything. 

  3. As long as it is taking to even announce makes me think it could be a Superman  game, and they are still struggling with the very thing every other dev has failed at. Actually making Superman playable and the gameplay engaging for a character that is near invincible. 


    The Batman games have given them quite a bit of trust and faith. They better not deliver Superman 64/Superman Returns. 


    I guess the wait continues...

  4. Probably the Xbox 360.


    So many great games, which can be said about many systems. The big difference maker is that while there were a bunch of great games to play SP the integrated online functionality gave way to a whole bunch of really fun co-op and MP experiences too. 


    Mass Effect 1-3

    Fable 2-3


    Halo 3/ODST/Reach

    Forza 4


    Borderlands 2


    Are just a handful of games I and my friends sunk a ton of time into. Overall last gen felt like it had more offerings that did not just entertain me, but had me waking up wanting to play them, and going to bed looking forward to playing them again. More so than this gen. Other systems in older gens may have had even more, but it was connecting with people online that really won me over. 

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