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Posts posted by Eggman76

  1. Does chaturbate count?  Too scared to link up with hookers in real life and not good enough at adulting to care about long term relationships yet (though I just started dating someone this week so we'll see what happens), and what's the point of gawking at porn or leaks when you can have some interaction with a real person?  Plus those chats are always filled with enough hopeless fuckboys that its easy to stand out among them and avoid paying if you're capable of emotional connection. 

  2. On 10/29/2019 at 2:24 PM, ShreddieMercuryRising said:

    I was with this movie up until Tarantino's narration about the poison in the coffee and then the timeline jump, which completely deflated all of the tension that had been built up in the first half.  I also can't figure out if it's accidental or intentional that the only thing the final two characters can agree on is their hatred of a woman.  That's either an interesting message about the nature of division and hatred along racial and gender lines, or it's just Tarantino getting his rocks off with violence against women for the sake of it.


    Schadenfreude can be a powerful thing.  For example, it's proven time and time again that rival gangs/extremists in prison who tend to hate each other based on race or culture will sometimes set differences aside to get together and vent about pedophiles, cops, and, yes, women.  


    As for Tarantino, I've read some convincing fan theories that Death Proof is on some level, intentionally or not, an apology to Uma Thurman for the car accident that happened while filming Kill Bill, and his treatment of her (persuading her to do her own stunts when she didn't want to) was no doubt fucked up, but aside from that and the weirdness of having a connection to Weinstein there's no proof that he truly hates women, at least  as far as I know.


    On 5/10/2019 at 10:56 PM, mozart_beercan69 said:

    If there is one universal truth about humanity to learn from watching prison docs on msnbc it is this:  No matter who you are - compassionate or hateful, racist or anti-racist, feminist or sexist, proudly gay or homophobic, creepy or attractive and all the shades of morality in between - there always tends to be a common ground, and that common ground is often a hatred of pedophiles and ephebophiles (anyone who has sons or daughters, nephews and nieces, etc feel free to debate this).


    Look everyone gets it: you were raised in an environment similar to a modern day game of thrones which instilled in you enough trauma to retard your ability to emotionally deal with the cosmic horror realization that your sexual attraction towards teens, possibly children, wasn't going away after age 20, 21, 25, 30, etc.  Nobody is saying it is easy or enviable, and maybe you've earned your depression since you didn't choose to have those feelings.  It is what it is, and I can sympathize with that not being an idyllic life for sure.


    But that doesn't change the fact that your aura of creepiness around the most innocent of innocent human life is repulsive and a huge problem for the rest of society.  Even if you don't offend, it's just a fact that going out in public anywhere where families might be located is a problem that YOU are forcing onto society.  No, it's not fair that you were stuck with that problem, but it is still your problem.


    But there is a possible fix.  See, you are not alone.  There are many other humans out there who are also disgusting and cause problems for society as a whole.  People like this have been around forever and they often even do quite well for themselves.  Heck, you can even achieve the highest honor in the entire world by behaving like these types of people.  So, how do you exist peacefully as a pervert in a society that wants nothing to do with you? 























    That's right, you can in fact experience the exhilarating freedom that comes with not having to worry about what anybody thinks of you!  By saying and doing socially retarded and repugnant things, you can blend in better and take attention off the fact that you have sexual thoughts about minors, and can even help clear a room if necessary.  


    And sure, it's possible you might be a pedo who is sensitive and feels disgusted by bigotry and you see that path in life as a dead end forcing you to tolerate even more stupidity and hostility which would make life even worse. But you know what isn't understandable? Forcing compassionate society around you to take on the problem of someone who's creepy around minors, regardless of if you asked for that creepiness or not.  So even if you don't feel hateful, the very least you can do is behave that way consistently while in public to prevent anyone from figuring out and having to deal with your more problematic sickness. You can pick your poison: sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, whichever flavor trash you like!


    So stop whining.  Buckle up bozo and take that one way trip to clown town! It really might not be so bad when you get used to it :dancing:



    This is what I keep telling him, but he refuses.  If someone is destined to be a scumbag no matter what you'd think the least they could do if they won't devolve into complete trash and go away is stay in the spotlight and make themselves more amusing.  Even ignoring your advice, they could just get over themselves and be a beloved fun and outgoing pedophile, but ah well. 

  4. 44 minutes ago, dualhunter said:

    Why would it surprise you that someone with an IQ that barely exceeds that of a dog can type?




    Y'know, I really do tend to lack basic social intelligence. A lot. Like I've all to often spent time on the internet posting memes while implying IQ tests are valid in attempts to prove I'm smarter than someone trying to spark a conversation that's difficult for even intelligent people to have, for example.  But everyone has their quirks, living, learning, and so on. :sun:

  5. On 5/10/2019 at 8:23 PM, Man of Culture said:


    TL;DR: "someone I know is a scumfuck so everyone who even remotely appears like him is also a scumfuck, I don't care what you think about that."


    So your post was basically nothing more than a nothing burger. A projection born out of your own personal experiences with a single person so now you're stangry about loners and depressed people because the one guy you knew turned out to be a scumfuck?


    Diatribes based on anecdotes like yours is what ends up turning interesting conversarions into unhelpful discourse. You should have just opened up with this paragraph to begin with:


    "I guess this is a bleak discussion to have honestly but it seems like a complicated issue that nobody talks about for whatever reason. What SHOULD be done with someone with an ingrained disorder that makes them super unsettling to be around who settles for contentment in being a shut-in all because they refuse to grow a pair and gain the common fucking decency to abuse a minor or do or say anything else extreme to help make it easier for functional society to have enough legitimate reasons to universally fuck off a person like that out of existence!?  To what extent is it fair/unfair to condemn someone like that for something I guess they have no control over, even if, whether they vocalize it or not, their behavior clearly telegraphs disgusting thoughts around young and psychologically vulnerable humans, which should be reason enough to make them exiled from society?  Once exiled, to what extent is any feelings of bitterness or sadness about the amount of hate they receive for something that is out of their control justified?"


    Your defensiveness and fragility aside, I will concede that you make a fair point about opening with that instead of my first post ITT and apologize to anyone who isn't associated with those things who might have felt targeted by my strong opinions.  Though I do think there's something to be said of developing better emotional labor skills than defensiveness to cope with reasonable assumptions of bad faith by society to better prevent the spread of the loneliness epidemic. But I suppose we can get into that another time. 


    Here's the full spiel that gives context to the quote you italicized:


    Reading that article I was reminded of a person I haven’t spoke to much with in five or six years because over time it became noticeable… it was almost like they were, well, emotionally wired to act weird around anyone 16 and younger.  


    The last time we spoke in person I just said fuck it and asked why they never had a job, got an apartment, a relationship, etc. There was a long pause before an emotional breakdown where they vented about not having the capability to hold a job for the skills they earned their degrees for, to live the life that would make them truly content. 

    Months later someone told me how in order to graduate from their university they apparently needed to take on an internship. After weeks of no luck they eventually landed one at a small start-up that developed learning software for children.  Apparently after six months without incident their body language got weird and avoidant enough around a co-worker's eight year old son visiting the office one day, which snowballed into a conversation with the CEO and ultimately they were asked to have a seat over there. 


    After losing their job they moved in with their grandparents since they were on good terms and rarely ever got visitors. Then as far as anyone knows he kinda never left that house for five years. 


    He’s currently talking to counselors at a mental health clinic that ended up being the best place for obtaining affordable medication, and they spend most of their time on the internet living the life they want and I guess need in order to find some peace of mind.  It’s bizarre how they ended up becoming almost like a reverse troll: cringey and disturbing in real life, but based on my posts of theirs I've read, they seem interested in being the opposite of that online.


    This is an issue you don’t really hear much discussion about for various reasons. What can/should be done with someone with an ingrained disorder that makes them super unsettling to be around children or teens who settles for contentment in being a shut-in?  When they express sadness, why do some think it is not okay make fun of them?  Regardless of whether or not they have control over their emotional wiring, why should anyone be taxed with having to feel bad about someone like that instead of fucking them off for reasons that should be obvious?  But for whatever reason most of society acts like this is a complicated issue or something that's difficult to know how to react to.



    On 5/10/2019 at 8:58 PM, Boyle5150 said:

    Also, Eggman might be literally retarded.  


    This is interesting I guess.  What is it about someone who has zero tolerance for the behaviors a-d or closet pedos or ephebos who aren't good at hiding it that you think is "retarded"?

    • Haha 1
  6. On 5/10/2019 at 7:02 PM, Man of Culture said:

    It's just a stupid post. You're making broad assumptions about a group or groups of people -- which include some members of this board who've opened up to us -- which simply do not map onto reality. 


    I mean, unless you claim to know exactly how these people operate and can back up the extraordinary claim with extraordinary evidence, I'm certain that people like Zaku, MarioandSonic, Amazatron, SFLUFAN and TheLeon would appreciate it if you didn't lump them in with actual scumfucks.


    Regardless of whatever your personal baggage is to react in the way that you did.... even if you or anyone else who is offended by my comments didn't join a hate cult or carry around similar attitudes, it's still likely a lonely person is "socially awkward" for some other reason where treating them like the trash they are is justified, possibly a scumfuck like option e.  I know this because I've known someone like that for several years and they refuse to fuck off so maybe I'm just projecting my unearned frustrations here.  


    I guess this is a bleak discussion to have honestly but it seems like a "complicated" issue (it really isn't) that nobody talks about for whatever reason. What SHOULD be done with someone with an ingrained disorder that makes them super unsettling to be around who settles for contentment in being a shut-in all because they refuse to grow a pair and gain the common fucking decency to abuse a minor or do or say anything else extreme to help make it easier for functional society to have enough legitimate reasons to universally fuck off a person like that out of existence!?  To what extent is it fair/unfair to condemn someone like that for something I guess they have no control over, even if, whether they vocalize it or not, their behavior clearly telegraphs disgusting thoughts around young and psychologically vulnerable humans, which should be reason enough to make them exiled from society?  Once exiled, to what extent is any feelings of bitterness or sadness they have about the amount of hate they receive for something that is out of their control justified? 




    • Guillotine 1
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  7. 7 minutes ago, Man of Culture said:


    When your IQ barely exceeds that of most dogs and you somehow manage to figure out how a keyboard works.





    So this is interesting because whether you are conscious of it or not you're posting a reaction against my last post that indicates you feel personally attacked by it. Oof. What about anything I said do you take issue with exactly?  What's on your mind, fella?

    • Guillotine 1
  8. The truth is, if you're living a lonely lifestyle, you’re probably a piece of shit and should be treated as the schadenfreude of the world at every opportunity.  Maybe that doesn’t sound “nuanced” or whatever but I don't really care?  There’s more than enough social data to prove that you’re almost certain to be either at least one or all of these: a) a redpiller, b) whatever the woman equivalent of a redpiller is, c) existing in some other form of hate cult or being a general psychopath, d) a sex offender, or e) someone with an ingrained disorder that makes you appear unsettling in subtle but noticeable ways when around children who settles for contentment in being a shut-in because you refuse to grow a pair and have the common fucking decency to commit a sex crime or do or say anything else extreme to help make it easier for functional society to have enough evidence to justify condemning you out of existence. 

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