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Posts posted by TheGreatGamble

  1. 3 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    A few of those things are legitimately “I believe in this, but oppose the mechanisms of correcting the problem”.

    yeah. I don't believe we should be telling others what they can/can't believe or say. My beliefs are just that, belief. They aren't absolute. Just because I want nothing to do with racists, doesn't mean I don't believe they have a legal right to be racist. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


    That doesn't exist. If you are a social liberal then you believe in fighting income equality, programs to help disfranchised groups, etc, and that means spending money. I guess you could argue it's possible by raising taxes (and instituting a wealth tax) on the upper-class, but I've never seen someone label themselves a fiscal conservative and be okay with raising taxes (even though it should really be about a balanced budget).

    It most certainly exists. I believe in equal rights, I believe in LGBTQ rights, I believe in womens rights. I certainly don't believe in income equality, but I do support higher taxes for medicare for all and mental health. I do not believe in wealth distribution. I strongly believe in the first and second ammendment. Its pretty simple. I believe everyone has the right to upward mobility, but I don;t believe that mobility should be given to anyone, but earned. I believe in equality, but im totally against equity of outcome. Im totally against racism, but I think you should be able to express it if you so choose. Im against creating more debt to fund social programs, but I am for higher taxes. 



    • Haha 1
  3. Just now, RedSoxFan9 said:

    I didn’t buy the argument that Joe Rogan is a gateway to the alt-lite but he’s really trying to change my mind

    Except maybe 1 in 10 guests he has on is right wing. 


    Hell, he had Bari Weiss on, she made a complete fool of herself speaking out her ass, and people attacked Rogan for making her look bad (by pointing out factual innaccuracies she was stating as fact). To the left, everyone who doesn't agree is alt right, and to the right, everyone who isn't an asshole is a libtard (the one word that when someone uses to describe another, i stop talking to them). Tghe fact is,  both have gone too far. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    It holds considerable weight. Your equivalency is false because claiming twitter is important is irrelevant. You can be fired, you can be deplatformed, but you're free to hold that view that got you there. Just as they're free to tell you to fuck off lol. Like most self proclaimed moderates, you don't understand free speech, nor do you understand that your ideas helped fringe conspiracy theorists and dangerous people gain reaction.


    Your views are far right anyway, and I highly doubt you're a centrist Democrat unless centrists are conservative Republicans.

    Im a social liberal and fiscally conservative. I don't agree with the views of anyone im arguing about, I just agree with their right to hold those views on a platform as politically important as twitter. And politicians by and large agree that Social media needs to be nationalized for that reason. 


    I do understand free speech. Its not the restricted version you cite. 



  5. Just now, PaladinSolo said:

    Took like 30 seconds to find him calling Mueller a demon and that hes going to get it or hes going to die trying.

    so you take a person who rants and raves about demons, aliens, false flags, and eating babies ptuitary glands seriously? is this like the time he talked about getting his spiritual battle rifle ready, and it was cut to make it sound like he was about to commit armed massed murder? 


    As another person in this thread put it, wheres the context?


    Also, did he say this on twitter?


    Im not arguing that jones is a piece of shit, im not even sure how he got into this, he's a ban I agree with, he has tried to incite things, imo. But Jones is not a normal, stable human. I dont defend him. But I certainly defend Rogans right to talk to him. 


    The idea that you people would rather fear ideas than fight them is sad. I dont like it, so it should be locked away. Thats a horrible approach,. 

  6. 1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Oh fuck you with your slippery slope bullshit. Not allowing hating on a class of people isn't some slippery slope to protecting furries from mockery or ridicule

    Forcing someone to your ideology is wrong. just like christians trying to force gays to convert is wrong. but until its personal, it should be left alone. And somebody refusing to call a biological male a woman should not be considered bullying. 

  7. 1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    And Twitter specifically has gender and gender identity as a class protected from harassment or discrimination. If that means conservatives are being banned oh fucking well try not bring transphobic

    Yes, and banning people for misgendering is disgusting. they made a protected class. Whats the next protected class? Furries? its ridiculous. Unless a person is targeted, it should be left alone. 

  8. 1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:


    You keep using free speech but don't know what it is.


    You are free to call your boss a cocksucker. Just don't expect to be taken seriously for saying you have first amendment rights and can't be fires. All sites have a terms of service and white supremacy and Nazism (which isn't peaceful by default) typically go against it for obvious reasons.


    Progressives are correct as usual. Your moderate stances are hilariously all far right and you wonder why progressives think the center in this country is right wing.

    You keep making false equivelancies. Work is not the same as a national social media platform that has become highly important to our electoral process. Every american, if not harrassing or threatening anyone, should be able to participate in that without restriction to speech. 


    You keep using this work analogy, but it doesnt hold any weight, because work has no bearing over the electoral process. 


    Free speech isn't right wing, neither is protecting our democracy and right to participate in it. Twitter has become more than a private company, its integral to the nations politics. So stop with the paper thin arguments. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    Jimmy Fallon gives more constructive discussion with far less offensive people. Lame excuse

    Jimmy Fallon does 5 minutes with two to three guests. He's never done an interesting interview ever. Rogan has done hundreds. Brian Cox, Steven Rinella, Alex Honnold, Steven Tyler, Mike Tyson, I could go on and on. Like I said, Fallon, not one. 

  10. 1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:


    While limiting their growth potential. The right is already permanently woke, the key is to prevent them from indoctrinating more young men.

    But itsa not limiting anything. Guys like AlexJones are still getting his message out everywhere. They are still making money. The only deplatforming that worked was Milo, and only because I think he wanted to get away from all the crazyness that surrounded him. 


    Deplatforming is a kneejerk wrong solution. It makes it look like you are afraid of what they have to say, not disgusted by it. And that is the message the right believes, that the left is afraid of the right, so they try to control them,. 


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