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Posts posted by Oberon

  1. Mars part was great, interesting that they sped it up but not a big change.


    EDIT - spoilery comics comparison




    Still don't like that cecil is aware of nolan or that there is any suspicion on him at all, even from his wife. That's why when he does what it does it is such a shock to everyone. And they weakened him as well against the guardians for whatever reason :confused:









  2. so I have a question, and I haven't been able to find an answer. Let's say that that DC and/or Puerto Rico become states. How do they determine the term for the first round of senators? i dont think any state has 2 senators that have the same start time of their 6 year term. 


    so 1) do they only get 1 senator for the first 2 years, then they get their second senator?

    2) do they get 2 senators at once, but the one senator is there for 2 years less than the other?

    3) do they have 2 senators start at the same time and both get 6 year terms and that state always has both senators up at the same time?


  3. 2 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Dems introducing articles of impeachment on MONDAY



    House Democrats are currently planning to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump as soon as Monday, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. 


    So you guys were saying? The "Lazy Cunt" seems to have gotten off her lazy ass :|


    Should have been done wed night Thursday morning when they were all there

  4. 3 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:




    Then why aren't their (Democratic) colleagues directly calling them out?






    Fuck political theater, by both sides. Such a simple rebuttal with a simple fact would shut a lot - but not all - Electoral Vote objectors up.


  5. I thought it was a 6/10


    1984 title was meaningless, there was nothing to really set it as 1984, it could have been set in the 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s with no change . Shows it was just a blatant rip off of thor ragnarok



    Easy 30-45 minutes could have been cut.



    Super cheesy/bad effects, especially in the mall scene in the beginning and her running at fast speeds


    LOVED pedro pascal and Chris pine. They both did fantastic jobs. 


    Gal gadot is very wooden compared to them, she definitely needs to up it.


    Cheetah fight at the end was nice and I still think it looks like she has her powers since it didn't look like she recanted it. 


    Worth watching on hbo max, not in theatres 





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