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Posts posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Astrobot was a charming, surprisingly polished love letter to the history of PlayStation that was at best minorly annoying to play half of the time.  It was a built in demo for the controller and required you to use it in all sorts of gimmicky ways that are interesting to highlight those functions, and then irritating to complete a whole level for.  I don’t think it’s surprising that everyone loves the parts of that game that function like a standard platformer and not the climbing rock walls or springing everywhere.  Maybe if they abandon all the quirky controller bullshit it will be an entertaining little bit of fluff for $30, but if they’re going to charge &70 for this?  Nah.

  2. 2 hours ago, TUFKAK said:

    So vote trump in, I’ll enjoy my reduced taxes I guess.


    edit: seriously how am I stuck being politically aligned with myopic idiots. Performative jackasses deserve what they’re gonna get.


    Maybe with those tax cuts I can do two months in the Mediterranean next year, charter a boat and recreate the Odyssey. 6 weeks last time just wasn’t enough.


    Actually yeah that sounds good,  vote trump in guys. I’m still abstaining from political engagement outside of the union.

    I don’t think you need to travel all the way to the Mediterranean just to have a bunch of strapping young men tie you to a pole.


  3. 7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    The man shot and killed during an attempted catalytic converter theft in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday has been identified as actor Johnny Wactor, his family confirmed. Wactor, 37, appeared as B…


    The solution is clear.  We must arm our catalytic converters.  

  4. Holy crap, apparently I haven’t properly beaten any big games this year until now.  Through Delta IOS I’ve been replaying a bunch of NES games and beating a bunch I never beat as a kid.

    Final Fantasy -


    I never beat this as a kid and honestly, I don’t know how anyone could have ever beaten this without a guide.  It’s so easy to completely screw yourself from your very first choices and your next steps are often totally opaque.  

    Anticipation - 


    What a piece of shit.  Turning up the difficulty just makes the computer absolutely psychic.


    Rescue: The Embassy Mission - 


    A thoroughly mediocre game with an absolute banger of a song, and also you get to play as a dude named Jumbo.


    Iron Sword: Wizards and Warriors 2 -


    My fond childhood memories of this game did not include the fact that it absolutely hates you and will kill you constantly.  I could barely get past the first stage from all of the birds flying out of nowhere and offing me.


    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -


    Yes I beat this just to say I did.  Yes it’s bad.  No it was not worth the curiosity.


    Now as for games made in this century.


    Lies of P - 


    I feel like most souls and adjacent games start really frustratingly hard, but then the natural power curve makes things easier over time with the occasional asshole boss to make it spicy.  By contrast, I feel like Lies of P kept the enemy power curve on par with yours so it was equally difficult if not more difficult as time goes on.  I spent almost a week on and off working on the last few bosses.  


    It’s a fun game with a really distinct style to it, and like most souls games by the time the credits rolled I barely knew what the hell was going on.  

    • Halal 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Ominous said:

    13 minutes to airfry the potatoes is the longest part of making breakfast. Coffee is the quickest. Scrambling the eggs under 10. The drive through during the morning commute is out to the street, a lot longer than a 5 minute wait. And then are you eating in your car, or are you eating cold mcgarbage 40 minutes later at work? 


    1 egg, 4 servings egg whites, 2 servings frozen diced potatoes in the air fryer, and a cup of non fat Greek yogurt.  Not about to put McDonald's into my body lol. 


    I don’t eat fast food breakfast unless I’m on the road, that’s not the issue.  Even if we take 13 minutes as the longest part of your routine and assume you do everything else in the time it takes the potatoes to cook, that’s still probably longer than even a long drive through wait in the morning.  They’re slinging these things like clockwork and it’s a limited menu.  You’re also still ignoring the time it takes you to clean everything after yourself.  Besides if we’re going to compare apples to lawnmowers, someone can deepthroat a banana and have no caffeine in less time than it takes for me to take a morning piss, were comparing prep time of comparable meals.  

    I’m not saying fast food breakfast is the better tasting choice, the healthier choice, or the cheapest choice, but if your getting an actual cooked meal it’s almost always going to be faster.

    • Hype 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Ominous said:

    In the amount of time it takes to sit in the drive through in the morning you can cook eggs and potatoes at home. If you are incompetent at setting an alarm make some overnight oats the night before. Breakfast is hands down the dumbest food to get at a restaurant because it's easily the cheapest and easiest to make at home. 

    What are you even talking about?  If in less than five minutes you can brew coffee, scramble eggs, fry bacon, toast an English muffin, melt cheese, AND deep fry a hash brown, I would love to see video evidence.  Oh, and don’t forget to factor in cleaning all that up at the same time.  

    I won’t argue that it isn’t cheaper in the long run to make all of this stuff at home, but it’s a larger up front investment that pays off over time.  But outside of apocalyptic wait times or significant detours, you are never going to come out on top time wise. 

    • Thanks 1
    • True 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, Chris- said:


    McDonald's breakfast/coffee are S-tier in terms of fast food breakfast, that is an undeniable fact.

    If you’re grading purely on fast food, then sure.  Only judging fast food drive through style breakfast, I’ll give McDonald’s the edge over the rest.  Maybe I’d give Chick Fil A the nod for the chicken egg and cheese biscuit, but the rest of their menu is average at best.  Wendy’s is decent, Burger King and Taco Bell are trash, and while I have a guilty soft spot for the White Castle waffle sliders they aren’t GOOD and I don’t know if they even exist anymore.

  8. 7 hours ago, Jason said:

    She knew how to use the emergency manual door release, but using it in the middle of an update can brick your Tesla, so she rolled the dice on letting the update finish.



    Tesla warns owners that opening their doors or windows while installing a software update could damage the vehicle, so she stayed put.


    I will not defend the stupidity of the update process BUT…


    …from my understanding when you trigger an update the car gives you multiple warnings that it’s going to start, that you shouldn’t open the doors, and that you should really get the fuck out of the car if that’s a problem.  So if you’re sitting in a car in the heat and the car is very clearly warning you that you’re about to be sealed inside for some time, maybe it’s also partially your fault that you didn’t get the fuck out of the car.  Teslas have a lot of problems, but “tiktoker gets stuck” feels more like engagement bait than anything else.

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