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Posts posted by brucoe

  1. Now that I've been playing it for some time (I'm level 26 right now), there are so many things they need to fix with this game that I suspect they're never going to touch. One of my biggest complaints is part of the combat system itself. Every time you fight something, they knock you back. EVERY creature no matter what level automatically knocks you back when fighting so that you could be fighting a level 2 boar and it will knock you off the side of a cliff but you don't have that ability whatsoever with any mob you fight. Add to that the fact that mobs double and triple team you and by the time you finish off one of the three, another one has spawned adding to even more mobs hitting you. I literally couldn't finish a main quest that was 5 levels below me because the boss I had to kill had three spawns around him that would keep spawning as you were trying to kill the main guy, almost always leading to failure. Plus, at least one of them is an archer which means he's not anywhere near you to even fight him (and you can't get to him because the mobs are knocking you back and forth while fighting you).


    It's pretty sad because the game has so much potential, but whenever people bring up these problems on the forums, the devs respond that the game is working as intended. There's a reason so many people are quitting in droves, and this is coming from someone who wants to like this game.

  2. On 11/6/2021 at 9:13 AM, CayceG said:

    Essentially, what happens is that crowds in the back push forward and the people at the front get compressed. It sort of happens in waves, so there are "pulses" that act on the people up front who are hemmed in by some barrier or the stage itself. 


    It happens more than you think:


    Happened to me in the 1980s at a Scorpions concert in Germany. Was in the front row and thought I was going to be completely crushed. But enjoyed the show.

  3. I think for a lot of people COVID helped them see how shitty their companies and employers really were. For the longest time, people felt like they were in indentured service to wherever they worked, but when companies started to cut back and cut off staff, that staff began to realize how insignificant they were, and like most instances of having to find other sources of income to survive, they did, and now they don't need those oppressive companies any longer. Sure, there are a lot more factors involved, but I think that has a lot to do with it as well.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    Fuck off, liberal interventionists:



    The US needs to stop invading countries in order to "fix" anything. We're completely incapable of fixing the US, so why the hell are we under the impression we have the ability to fix any other place? We need to adopt the Team America process of international relations, where we don't invade but we slaughter those that do us bad and then abandon them to their tribal ways where they spend the next century picking up the pieces of the rubble we leave in our wake. Or just leave everyone alone.

  5. I enjoyed the comic, but I think a part of the problem for a tv series is the same problem writers have when they tell someone about the story they're writing: The telling of a story to someone else often replaces the desire to actually tell that story in manuscript form (the energy is often in the first telling of the story). I got that same sense of Y: The Last Man, where having read the comic, I don't really have any strong desire to see the comic reenacted on screen. I attribute this to very select projects, but this comic really felt like one that fit this description (whereas something like a superhero comic or like The Walking Dead doesn't have that same problem because the universes are so rich that you want to see them explored further).

  6. I've pretty much given up on getting a console for this generation. They could have fixed this garbage system before enacting it, but they saw scalpers as some kind of huge profit, even though they sell consoles at a loss to gain customers for their online stores.


    I've been a long-time loyal Best Buy customer but there's zero chance I'm ever going to pay $200 just to have a slight chance of getting a future console. That's ridiculous.

  7. 58 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    I’ve never gotten the whole, “these dum dums can’t find X on a map,” gotchas. I feel like people would do even worse on, “what part of your body is this muscle in,” trivia, and that stuff is inside you. Who cares?

    People love to feel superior to other people. That's always been the case.


    I have lots of students in government classes that can't point to a lot of countries on a map, but rather than shame them, I prefer to teach them as to why these areas are important to them and their lives. And sometimes, nothing you do or say will make a student care one iota about a place that's located across the planet. Historically, this has always been the case, where people only care about things that immediately affect them. And often, they don't have a clue how something might affect them, even when that thing could be the reason for their life and death.


    Part of me blame our cell phone environment, where people think that having a smart phone is a replacement for knowledge. I've had students who google something during a lecture and spout it off as if they knew the answer right then and there. And then I'll ask them a follow-up question that doesn't allow them to fill in the blank with google trivia, and they immediately realize they have no idea how to even answer the question. That's where much of our world is these days. We think we're more intelligent because our technology is better; we're anything but that.

  8. 16 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

    That should be a fun movie. I just hope at some point they really convey that Shazam and Black Adam are both two of the strongest characters in any comic universe. Both are arguably stronger than Superman. 

    Little by little, I get the impression that DC wants Superman to be considered the strongest. It was one of the things I noticed with DC Universe Online, where the beginning cut scene is a fight between all of the heroes and villains, and when Superman comes up against Black Adam, Supes basically tears him down with his heat vision when they clash. I sometimes get the impression they're constantly going back and forth on exactly how powerful Superman really is.

  9. I finally caught up on the show, and even though I was a huge fan of the Foundation novels, I'm really enjoying the direction they are taking with this series. Any time Jared Harris shows up in a series automatically tells me it's going to be high quality. It had been so long since I read the books that all I remembered of Trantor was the fact that it was covered in metal (and you never saw the real sun), so seeing it fleshed out as they're doing is really awesome to see.


    The scenes on Terminus seem like they're almost a completely different show than what's happening in Foundation, and only because I know the history (or the psychohistory) do I understand why they're actually focusing on it so much. If I didn't have the foundation (yeah, I did it, too) of knowledge of having read the series beforehand, I might be completely lost. But that might just be an assumption on my part.


    So far, the emperor has proved to be the most fascinating character throughout the entire series, and for some reason I always thought I'd be saying that about Hari Seldon instead.

  10. When I read the original story on this a few days ago, I started thinking I'd dump my AT&T account with my cell phone, and then little by little I started to realize how many things that were owned by AT&T were basically a part of my life. I have two cell phone accounts, I subscribe to HBO, I watch shows on Warner/HBO all the time, I watch CNN and who knows what else. Basically, boycotting AT&T doesn't make a difference because all along I've been funding AT&T, which basically means I was funding OAN but wanting to blame someone else cause they pulled the trigger.

  11. On 9/25/2021 at 6:26 PM, johnny said:

    alright now it’s getting serious 



    When they do something about dealing with domestic violence in general, which they NEVER will because it's so much easier to just keep kicking the can down the road and wait for the next incident to happen (so they have something to be upset about), then it will become serious. Dog the Bounty Hunter becoming involved only means that it's hyped up enough that he's now willing to get involved and up the hype factor even further.

  12. I've noticed lots of bad service from USPS lately. Just a few weeks ago, I did a six piece order from Amazon. Amazon's service says all six items were delivered. 3 of them never arrived. And I don't believe they ever will. I've already received replacement shipments from Amazon about a week ago. I don't know if there's a problem in the distribution part of the delivery, or if we have a person in the mailroom (or deliverer) who is stealing packages.


    I do know it wasn't stolen off my front porch, as I was home during the days when they deliver, and I'm aware whenever anything arrives.

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