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Posts posted by Hellhound

  1. On 4/8/2024 at 8:49 PM, Jason said:

    During the August 2017 total solar eclipse, the then-president went viral when he ignored all eclipse safety recommendations by gazing directly at the sun with his naked eyes


    He looks like a hand puppet. 

  2. On 6/12/2023 at 8:13 AM, Kal-El814 said:


    As I've said many many times, if anyone finds themselves overburdened by time, money, and space in their home... miniature wargaming and painting effectively cures all three problems immediately!


    I will say, if you're looking to get into painting, the most important things to keep in mind as a beginner are...


    1) ANY paint job is gonna look better than naked plastic. Especially when you're starting out and stuff isn't going to look "great," even a prime and a base coat of the main colors will look so much better than plain, assembled minis.


    2) Remember that you're going to spend 99% of your time playing with the minis at a distance... any of the "flaws" you notice when you've got the thing inches away from your face will simply not be noticeable when you have an army on the table


    3) Try to keep in mind that if you follow tutorials on youtube and stuff, a lot of those people have been painting for years and even if you've got the same paint, brushes, and tools, it's very easy to not get results like they do


    4) Thin your paints! This isn't an issue if you're using Contrast Paint, Speedpaint, Instant Paints, Xpress Color, etc., since you don't really need to do that with those. But "normal" paints, yeah, you gotta do that. Different paints have different consistencies and it can be tough to know how thin to go and how thin you CAN go before the pigment "breaks" and you've got a watery mess more suited for glazing or washing


    But if you wanna get started with Legion or Shatterpoint painting, Sorastro's tutorials on youtube are a decent place to start!


    I plan on painting Shatterpoint once I finish off Clan Wren from Legion, so hopefully later this week.

    Well said. Sorastro is a great starting point, but trying to match him stroke for stroke, especially at the beginning, is going to lead to frustration. He’s a great jumping off point into making the minis look how you want them. Good from 3 feet plays just as well as good from 3 inches. 

  3. 14 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:

    Yup, same here. 

    LJN has been well-documented as one of the worst publishers from that era. I wonder what could be considered their “best” game? Like, an actually good one.

    They also made Roger Rabbit, which I saw in an earlier post here. I ended up with that turd when Children’s Palace was out of Super Mario 3 stock. I don’t think LJN ever published a “good” game. 

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