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Posts posted by Bataar

  1. So I had pretty much decided to get a Switch, once they're available for normal cost. However, I have recently read about issues with the joy con controllers and drift. The implication was that it's not a matter of if the controller will go bad, but when. If it's that bad, I'll hold off, but I just wanted to see what your opinions are.

  2. Blood Rage is super fun. Add the Mystics of Midgard expansion right away. Those units are really fun. I still haven't played the Gods of Asgard expansion so I can't comment on that. 


    If you like Blood Rage and Eric Lang's games in general, make sure you check out Rising Sun. Personally, I like it a little more than Blood Rage, but even if you like Blood Rage more, you'll probably still like it.

  3. After playing and loving the original Command & Conquer, back in 1995, I couldn't wait for it's sequel. Finally, four years later, on its launch day in 1999, I came home with Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. I ended up being completely disappointed. For as much as I loved the first one and looked forward to this one, I think this is my biggest gaming disappointment.

  4. On 3/7/2019 at 3:26 PM, Jason said:

    I'm pretty sure it's been explicitly stated that this is supposed to be the Prime timeline (so basically, the timeline pre-JJ).

    It's in the Prime timeline of the JJ verse. There are essentially 3 timelines in Star Tre now:

    Cannon timeline - TOS, Animated, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT and all Star Trek movies prior to 2009.


    Prime Timeline - Referencedin the 2009 Star Trek movie. The "Prime" timeline is different than the cannon timeline because due to rights issues, Paramount had to keep it 25% different.


    Kelvin Timeline.

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