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Posts posted by SpoonSpatula

  1. Knew very little about Dune going into this - and REALLY enjoyed it. A friend has repeatedly recommended the book, but I never bit. The music was fantastically overwhelming. It matched the setting & sense of scale so well.


    Been reading up on a few things not covered by the movie, but present in the book (at least up until the point covered in the film).  Why Spice, no technology, Houses, etc.  Fascinating.


    Time to go rewatch BR2049 again...just because.

  2. It's probably too early for this to have already been addressed, but have the developers mentioned anything about adding any additional BR maps as part of a roadmap/future plans? (And instead of a big new map, I wonder if it would be technically possible for them to insert other MP maps into the existing world? More of a modular approach, allowing the map to evolve over time).

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