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Posts posted by Squeesnightmare

  1. 8 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    As a person who has been lurking this board for 2 months now, there definitely seems to be a silencing campaign (accidental in nature, of course). New news comes out every day about the GOP stealing the election. It is not weird to be worried. What's weird is peoples' dismissiveness or saying: "it's not worth talking about any longer, only polls". It's news about the election. New news! Constantly. That's why it requires constant redress. It's crazier to me to be dismissive than acknowledge it.



    As someone else who only lurks (to an unhealthy degree), I can't say I've really seen evidence of any sort of "silencing campaign". If anything, people otherwise saying "No matter what, Trump will probably remain president (somehow)" seem to be in a majority. If not, they're quite vocal. 


    This place has been very dramatic, and I almost feel like some users thrive off the chaos. "Nothing matters!" seems to have been the unofficial slogan of this board for at least the past year. It can become overwhelming, and without calling anyone out personally, it does seem to be impacting some users negatively. 


    I think everyone is wary of what Trump might try to pull, but until it happens it's not "news", it's wild speculation.... and it's been speculated, constantly. If anything, I'd say it's harder to be optimistic about a Biden win around here. I, personally, don't see what good it does to "constantly redress" when the only purpose it serves it to cause anxiety. 


    But hey, what the hell do I know? 

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  2. 2 hours ago, sblfilms said:

    An event like the death of a cultural icon is a perfectly good time to look at aspects of culture that person had their most prominent effect on. I see objections to that as similar to when people say “it’s not the time to talk about gun control” after a mass shooting...like, when is it a better time?

    I'm alright with waiting until someone goes on a killing spree with comics.

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