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High heels at work are necessary, says Japan's labour minister

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5 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

I know they have their issues with misogyny, but it never occurred to me that they would be big on heels.


I would have thought a nation full of Danny DeVitos would be more touchy about women adding 3 inches to their height.


The heels probably make it easier to snap upskirt pics.

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30 minutes ago, Jason said:


You're forgiving them because of their dastardly plot to give us all mercury poisoning?

Mercury is the most delicious of all the transitional metals.  I get to eat delicious food AND go mad at the same time?  You've yet to name a downside.

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15 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

I know they have their issues with misogyny, but it never occurred to me that they would be big on heels.


I would have thought a nation full of Danny DeVitos would be more touchy about women adding 3 inches to their height.

Because science: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2254862/High-heels-really-DO-make-look-good-say-scientists-heres-why.html





Side note, going to Tokyo for the first time in the fall, fairly excited, currently plotting out my trip.

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High heels accentuate a feminine figure. But there has to be a feminine figure to accentuate — it won’t do anything for fatties. Of course a place like japan is going to like when women wear high heels and of course a website full of Americans is going to be baffled at that. 

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2 hours ago, Commodore D said:

Because science: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2254862/High-heels-really-DO-make-look-good-say-scientists-heres-why.html





Side note, going to Tokyo for the first time in the fall, fairly excited, currently plotting out my trip.


I've been going to Japan once a year for the past few years, if you have any questions about getting around or something, let me know.

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Two nukes made Japan perfect. I mean, I hate most of their food, and a good portion of the culture is fucked, but as an american who lives very far away from Japan and only takes good things from Japan, Japan is great!

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