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I need life advice


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So my current landlord is selling my house. I have to be out by the end of August. 


Right now I'm in a position where I'm working two jobs and I'm not really happy with either of them but I am making pretty good money. 


So the way I see it I have three options, and each one feels like the right option depending on the day. 


1) get my own apartment here and stick with my current job situation even though I'm not particularly happy with any of it, as it would lock me down for at least a year

2) stack money for a couple months and then move cross country

3) fuck off to Thailand or Malaysia for a few months (which is something I planned on doing anyway, just not until December), then coming back and figuring my shit out. 


It's just like... It's the age old problem wherein I'm financially secure where I'm at right now, but I'm not happy. Do I throw that away?


Also my allergies have been RIDICULOUS this year. I wake up every morning not being able to breathe through my nose for hours. That is also a factor in my decision.

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17 minutes ago, Bacon said:

Whatever is the loser bitch path of least resistance. That's how I live my life.

Fucking off to Thailand for a few months is both the path of most and least resistance. Depending on how you look at it.

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The 3rd option.  If you have the time and resources to do it now, do it.  Your obligations and responsibilities in life will only grow going forward.  If it's something you know you want to do and you can afford it, then do it because you might not have the chance again.

  • Halal 2
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1 hour ago, Slug said:

The 3rd option.  If you have the time and resources to do it now, do it.  Your obligations and responsibilities in life will only grow going forward.  If it's something you know you want to do and you can afford it, then do it because you might not have the chance again.


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Yeah I'd agree with the majority here: if you can afford it, the best time to travel is "ASAP". :sun:


And August gives you a couple more months to think about your plans going forward too... You can decide if you want to come back to getting an apartment here in Portland or moving somewhere else or whatever. 

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I think you can answer for yourself better than anyone else.  I’m the type of person that if I’m taking a long trip and I know as soon as I get back I have to reorganize my entire life, I’m not going to enjoy that trip as it’s going to be hanging over my head every moment.  If you can go and it won’t be a crushing weight on your chest, then go for it.

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