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Felvidek - a black comedy RPG set in 15th century Slovakia where you play an alcoholic knight with marital issues

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This could very well be the most Slavic game ever made!



In Felvidek, a JRPG set in 15th century Slovakia, you embrace the role of an alcoholic knight Pavol. Meet diverse and interesting characters to help you drive out the Hussites and Ottomans who blight this land.




Felvidek is a raw, strange, and brilliant RPG that alternates between deadly combat, plummy prose, crass jokes, and odd beauty.



I wanted to make Pavol my own a little more than the game let me. He’s an alcoholic in prose, but rarely ever in deed. Different types of collectable spirits are plentiful, and I think I expected him to get the shakes after a while, performing worse in combat if I didn’t keep him topped up, but no such fun. The grime and the death and the RPG combat, and especially an early encounter that killed me right at the beginning, put me in mind of the Fear and Hunger games. I think Felvidek would have benefitted from a bit more of this deadly choose-your-own-demise sadism, but on reflection, only on the replay. What you get instead is a perfectly formed and paced single viewing, told by a black humoured, bawdy bard who weeps in secret at night over the inevitable decay of everything, but never drops the shit-eating grin for a second.



  • Sicko Sherman 1
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  • Commissar SFLUFAN changed the title to Felvidek - a black comedy RPG set in 15th century Slovakia where you play an alcoholic knight with marital issues
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