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MAJOR scandal rocking Finland

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1 hour ago, Ricofoley said:

In the spirit of cooperation with a future NATO ally, I propose an exchange program of sorts where she comes to the US for a while, and Finland gets someone who they deem to be sufficiently chaste in their social habits. Chuck Grassley maybe.

Do they have the “you know what” at Dairy Queen in Finland?

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3 hours ago, outsida said:

Baby boomer: 1946 – 1964

Obama’s birthyear: 1961


Generation Jones is the social cohort[1][2] of the latter half of the Baby boomer generation to the first years of Generation X.[3][4][5][6] The term Generation Jones was first coined by the cultural commentator Jonathan Pontell, who identified the cohort as those born from 1954 to 1965 in the U.S.,[7] who were children during Watergate, the oil crisis, and stagflation rather than during the 1960s, but slightly before Gen X.[8][9]


Unlike "leading-edge boomers", most of Generation Jones did not grow up with World War II veterans as fathers, and for them there was no compulsory military service and no defining political cause, as opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War had been for the older boomers. Therefore their parents' generation was sandwiched between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers.[10] Also, by 1955, a majority of U.S. households had at least one television set,[11] and so unlike Leading-Edge Boomers born in the 1940s, many members of Generation Jones (trailing-edge boomers) have never lived in a world without television—similar to how many members of Generation Z (1997- 2012)[12] have never lived in a world without personal computers or the internet,[13] or mobile phones.[14] Generation Jones were children during the sexual revolution of the 1960s and '70s and were young adults when HIV became a threat.

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4 hours ago, Anathema- said:


Generation Jones is the social cohort[1][2] of the latter half of the Baby boomer generation to the first years of Generation X.[3][4][5][6] The term Generation Jones was first coined by the cultural commentator Jonathan Pontell, who identified the cohort as those born from 1954 to 1965 in the U.S.,[7] who were children during Watergate, the oil crisis, and stagflation rather than during the 1960s, but slightly before Gen X.[8][9]


Unlike "leading-edge boomers", most of Generation Jones did not grow up with World War II veterans as fathers, and for them there was no compulsory military service and no defining political cause, as opposition to United States involvement in the Vietnam War had been for the older boomers. Therefore their parents' generation was sandwiched between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers.[10] Also, by 1955, a majority of U.S. households had at least one television set,[11] and so unlike Leading-Edge Boomers born in the 1940s, many members of Generation Jones (trailing-edge boomers) have never lived in a world without television—similar to how many members of Generation Z (1997- 2012)[12] have never lived in a world without personal computers or the internet,[13] or mobile phones.[14] Generation Jones were children during the sexual revolution of the 1960s and '70s and were young adults when HIV became a threat.

So we agree! :shrug:

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