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I went to a restaurant that advertised unlimited breadsticks. It turns out that they really were unlimited. Now my universe is at least 30% breadsticks. Help!


How can I make them stop before the breadsticks crowd out all other matter in the universe?



After following the advice of /u/Seranger and /u/Chronophili I have managed to hold back the tide of breadsticks, but not until after they had engulfed 65% of the universe. While my constrained soup supply prevents me from pushing it back, the situation is stable for the moment so I have sent people to scout for other sources of soup.


I don't know how long the soup will last.


Please send soup!


Update 2:

No unlimited soup restaurant has been discovered, known soup supplies in this universe have dwindled to critical levels so we have been forced to scale back consumption. Breadstick saturation is now at 74% and rising. We are in the process of spinning up several wormholes to import soup from extrauniversal sources. A pair of black holes are being readied as a last resort.


Update 3:

One of the wormhole engineers suggested we dump the breadsticks through the wormholes. Breadstick saturation is 79% and falling.


The engineer has received a pay raise.


Update 4:

Another engineer has suggested that instead of simply dumping the breadsticks into space, we should offer the breadsticks to people/things/places/entities/colors/concepts who want/need them such as the residents of third world neighborhoods/countries/planets/galaxies/universes/etc...


Breadstick saturation at 62% and dropping faster.


That engineer has received a larger pay raise.


Update 5:

Breadstick export program is now operating in full swing, the breadstick content of the universe is down to 42%. The program is being heralded as the solution to multiversal hunger.


Update 6:

/u/progamer7100 has been arrested for the theft of the Breadstick Foundation treasury


Update 7:

Wormhole was opened to a universe containing millions of starving sea cucumbers. The universe is now only 15% breadsticks.

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