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Star Wars Outlaws (PC/Xbox Series/PS5) - update (11/18): Dev Update #2 - Aiming Down Sights (Title Update 1.4 releasing on 11/21)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw the credits on this game, and completed the DLC.


My thoughts on this game really didn't change after the patch.  Yes, it does improve things.  No, it doesn't make a fundamentally mediocre game, a good one.

The biggest weakness of this game is the character and the story.  The story would be better if it didn't take place in an open world, where you can spend hours without interacting with the main characters.  Outside of the core story, there isn't a whole lot of interesting side characters.  However, you need to do some of the side stuff -- because you need to upgrade your ship, your blaster and gain "abilities".  If you don't, some of the latter missions will become impassable.


The story itself is a "heist" mission done in a Bioware style, gathering a crew to  get the big score.


Predictably, not all is what it seems.  And everybody turns on everybody throughout.  You know Jaylen Vrax is the bad guy the entire way through.  You're just waiting for the moment where he does his entirely predictable turn.


To me, this gets a 6.5/10.  Not quite as good as Avatar, but certainly playable.


For the DLC?  Its about 3 hours long.  A side mission that can be done after the main story is done, or during it.  Nothing special.  However, it does give Lando Calrissian a lot more screentime.

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