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Everything posted by ort

  1. Joe Biden has also slipped a lot. I think the idea that he can barely speak is grossly over exaggerated. That said, yeah, he's old as hell. I'm not a big Biden fan, but I'll take a husk of a man being led around by handlers I (more or less) agree with politically over a vile shit goblin like trump. I would vote for literally anyone over trump and if a Weekend at Bernies style corpse is our best option for keeping the GOP out then I guess that's just what it is. I don't have to like it... let's just get through this next 4 years.
  2. All you have to do is go back like 10 years and listen to him speak. It's instantly noticeable that he's slipped quite a bit.
  3. Sounds like you need a Supreme Court ruling to keep your freedom hating ways in check...
  4. I just hope they don't make it some sort of fantasy fulfillment for violent weirdos... we're already at the point where Fox News comments sections are full of people fantasizing about gunning down people in the street... people literally calling for civil war... we don't need to throw fuel on that fire and we also don't really need a preachy liberal finger wagging movie about it either... we just need everyone to cool the fuck down...
  5. The right wing response was just that this is a deep state coverup and they arrested this man for nothing to cover up for the Biden's. Nothing that happens actually matters. Trump could take off a rubber mask exposing him as a weird alien who says he want to harvest the people of earth for their juice and the right wing media machine would just spin it into a positive.
  6. I looked for it and could not find it... I think I was only in one for him... I can't recall. Probably in 1992, looking at his wiki page and remembering that I was in high school. I was in several others of various candidates when I was a kid. I think most of the extras in the ads back then were just friends and family. My mom worked on a bunch of campaigns in the 80s and 90s, but Gephardt was one of her main gigs she would go back to over and over.
  7. Dick Gephardt, LOL. Here's a fun fact, my mom worked for him for him during multiple election campaigns. I was even in a few of his commercials as a kid / teen. I don’t want to give away too many details, but I grew up balls deep in Missouri politics. I always thought he looked like a freaky fake Ken doll. Like he was an android being driven around by a team of tiny aliens. I honestly thought he was dead.
  8. I bet they are going to gloss over the politics and details of what happened and just drop us into the middle of a situation in this world without trying to explain everything...
  9. I don't usually post in this thread and I'm not sure where to put this, but I just want to let it be known that I have Fox News blocked now. I can no longer go to the site at all in any capacity. Let's see if it sticks...
  10. Federal judge affirms MyPillow's Mike Lindell must pay $5M in election data dispute APNEWS.COM A federal judge has affirmed a $5 million arbitration award against MyPillow chief executive Mike Lindell.
  11. More of these people should move to Russia. I think this is a great idea.
  12. I've often wondered if I couldn't start a career as a right wing grifter... it can't be that hard judging by the people who seem to do well at it... It would be easy money and every penny the dumb stupid brainwashed dipshit loser morons give you is a penny they don't give someone else it's a win-win
  13. Trump Sneakers - Official President Donald Trump Footwear GETTRUMPSNEAKERS.COM Purchase a pair of President Donald Trump’s official sneakers or buy a bottle of Trump Victory perfume or cologne.
  14. Trump launches a sneaker line WWW.NBCNEWS.COM Former President Donald Trump launched a line of sneakers ranging in price from $199 to $399. he’s got this, launched a new line of gold $400 shoes today, very presidential!
  15. 🇮🇱Barbara Sobel🇺🇦 (@barbarajsobel) on Threads WWW.THREADS.NET Tucker Carlson grocery shopping in Russia. 😆😆😆😆 I mean, he has to be being paid by the Russian government to do this right?
  16. I think the problem isn't the fit of the suit, but that his giant disgusting butthead-esqe water baby melon head makes it look them look all weird
  17. While part of me thinks it's great this is going to be set in the 60s... at the same time, I have a feeling that they are going to be beating that drum so hard... I'm putting the over/under on the number of "HEY, IT'S THE 60s!!!" gags/references in the first 10 minutes at around 500. "hey look, the 60s! hey look! hey it's the 60s! LOL, the 60s... look at this wacky 60s thing, it's a totally 60s thing, look look... OMG, the 60s!!!! Did we fail to mention it's the 60s!!!!!!?!?!?!??!?"
  18. If Rachel Maddow went around making videos with the theme of "look at how much better Russia is than America" I think the entire right wing media sphere would lose their minds... I'm glad that very few people seem to be paying attention to what Tucker is doing... it's really pretty gross... He doing things like making videos in Russian grocery stores pontificating on how much cheaper everything is over there... he's got a whole series of em...
  19. Man, a new game bought on the day it came out? I have no idea... It had to be an NES game... I know I lined up for Mario 3 on launch day... but I don't know if I bought anything else before that. I got plenty of games around launch time, but probably not on day one and not always with my own money.
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