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Everything posted by Patatat

  1. Here is Dan Crenshaws district in Tx for reference
  2. Eh, that's how a democracy is supposed to function more or less. I don't think the minority in a given jurisdiction should have zero representation, but they also shouldn't be allowed to rule from that minority viewpoint because of arcane and stupid electoral college bullshit and gerrymandering. Places like Wisconsin, Ohio, TX and Florida have the whole system rigged so the conservatives run the show when that isn't the reality in terms of actual demographics and political ideology. It's the same thing on the national level. Dems need like a 5million vote advantage to win the EC. That's fucked. Land is literally more important than people.
  3. Just saying homebrew Wii with GC ports and a loaded 240gb hdd is frickin dope as hell. Plus an mclassic up converter. Plays Wii and GC discs. Light rail shooters, masterpiece golf and tennis games (woods 2012, grand slam). Kinda missed the whole Wii gen. It's dope! Also it plays GC stuff way better than a series x RetroArch set up
  4. Living the dink life and not gonna be convinced otherwise (unless it's tink life lmao 😉) Ayyyy https://www.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/i0xye3/goals_triple_income_no_kids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x
  5. It's really more of an urban rural divide than a geographical divide. Rural areas are ruby red and pretty much always have been, at least since the 80s or so. There are good cities and people in the south.
  6. Honestly I can't play 343 halo titles. Just gave infinite a go and yeah, it sucks. The controls are just so floaty and not right. Same feel as Halo 5 which also sucks. Tweaking sensitivity and deadzones helps somewhat but I shouldn't have to do that. Bungie gun feel is a million times better and honestly I'd rather spend my time in Vanguard/warzone. At least the controls are tight. I'd rather play destiny 2. I dunno why everyone shitting on vanguard tbh, having played a fair amount of bf 2042 and Halo mp its straight up better than both
  7. It's not that strange really... A lot better odds that winning a scratch off or pulltab.
  8. I mean I don't think we need a console war thread which is kinda what this is on its face lol, but haven't Sony and Nintendo massively outsold MS in pretty much every measurable category? I love my SX but I also love my PS5. Switch honestly does feel very dated at this point so it's largely been collecting dust, but afaik they've outsold MS in hardware and software every month of the year and even Nintendo is probably making more money on nintendo online than MS is on gamepass because it isn't constantly $1 a month and a quick search tells you they have more subscribers... Like I do appreciate what MS has been doing with gamepass but in terms of exclusives I don't think they're really above Sony or Nintendo, and they frankly don't have the same level of demand for hardware as Sony or Nintendo which is why they aren't making as many units... They're definitely pursuing a loss leader strategy with gamepass, we'll see if it pays off for them in the next few years I suppose but I don't see them catching Sony. Depending on what nintendo does with switch 2 I could see them sort of taking over the second place mondshare spot. Switch does feel kinda similar to the wii in some ways. Dated tech with a gimmick that everyone loved for a few years but if Nintendo is too slow to move on a fairly powerful successor they'll be forgotten again. Like I could see another Wii u type of flop if they go too underpowered and don't have a clear value proposition over the original switch. People would rather buy a ps5 or series. Just like Wii sales dropped off a cliff and even after wii u launch people would rather buy a PS3/360. Difference here is I don't think they'll wait until 2024 for switch 2. Seems like they've learned their lesson. I think spring 2023 is the very latest they can go though without people thinking meh I'll wait to see what Sony and MS come up with next year. We'll see.
  9. @Biggieonestly kinda weird as I randomly just logged in and saw the single alert. Seems like a weird tag so I responded...
  10. @SuperSpreaderhhy are you tagging me? I have very little interest in protein shakes and haven't been on the site in like 2 weeks
  11. I don't like the gunplay in Halo 5. It's too floaty. The campaign/story is also boring/lame. We'll see if I like the gunplay in this but imo 343 doesn't have the same feel as Bungie. I like reach but Bungie still responsible for the feel of that game. I like D2 overall but they went nuts with the grinding. Gameplay/gunplay/feel wise it's awesome though.
  12. Any way uninstall and reinstall did the trick. Downloading at like 100 MB/s too. Now to get it on the XS too. I have too many games to play lol. Been playing through the COD Vanguard campaign and honestly it's pretty damn good. MP is basically broken though. I don't know what the hell they're doing with their servers. I also just started tales of arise which is awesome so far.
  13. Blue screen on gamepass app on PC. I wonder if I should just install on steam. Is this confirmed free to play after launch indefinitely for steam or is that only for gamepass members via the Xbox app?
  14. Unless supply drastically increases there won't be a crash. There will be a return to the mean (thats already happening in most markets).
  15. Sure, but don't they have profiles on tons of judges? Just saying that isn't some kind of smoking gun, but overall I'd say Garland is probably a center right judge, which makes it even more wild the GOP wouldn't confirm him under Obama.
  16. Tbh it would have just been a whole lot of "I don't recall" if they even showed up (more likely just flat out refusing toothless house subpoenas) but yeah I would have appreciated the effort. Imo garland was a baaad pick for DOJ. Dude doesn't give a fuck and is likely a republican.
  17. Yeah I've come around to that I'm basically too old for Halloween, at least like going out to bars for Halloween. It's kinda depressing but yeah it's all folks that are a solid 10 years younger than me and it's weird. Halloween house/dinner party with friends though sure I'm down.
  18. I would expect solid 8s/9s just like every other Pokemon game ever.
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