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Everything posted by fuckle85

  1. Anyone try one topped with mashed potatoes and gravy yet?
  2. Not one of my favorites but I love how at heart the satire centers on it being the Good, the Bad and the Ugly with less good and the bad and the ugly amped up significantly. Can't think of many films better at lampooning the heroic cowboy myth popularized by filmmakers like John Wayne and John Ford, etc decades ago. That, the performances (everyone acted their ass off or at least made plenty of effort to chew the scenery), the set design and super wide format help make it an interesting film to scrutinize every once in a while. Haven't watched the extended version.
  3. They do for the most part! The imagery your username references/brings to mind sometimes? Not as much, to be completely honest!
  4. Almost as much as the show I'm looking forward to the critiques from users on this board. @Greatoneshere @TwinIon @skillzdadirecta @Anathema- @sblfilms and anyone else I forgot who's usually got passion for posting the insights and sometimes reviews here, know that your takes are not going unappreciated!
  5. Welp that seals it, gotta check this out as soon as I read or rewatch the first one again. It's kinda funny how much Warren is considered by lots of viewers...
  6. Changing Bilbo in the opening flashback scene to Martin Freeman's portrayal should probably be considered at least.
  7. "shit did my wedding ring slip off when grabbing that waitress by the pussy in trump tower or was it the one in mar a lago?"
  8. Wanting to win at any cost for the sake of winning seems like a clear motive he has. He could still get attention with a TV series without the whole trying to take over the world thing. If there's any positive side to his grift it might be how it could end up delegitimizing the platform of the GOP more than anyone's done in recent history. Whatever happens, there will probably be debates for a while about the extent of how responsible he is for the culty behaviors and crimes committed in reaction to his influence.
  9. What motivates Trump? It's not the money, since the gig pays less than before and it harms the businesses he already had. It's not to be loved, since the stuff he says could only be appreciated by haters. Judging from the giant skyscrapers with his name in gold letters you'd thing a guy like him would care about legacy yet he does pretty much everything imaginable to burn it to the ground. The man is so stupid yet I cannot fully understand what his grift is. What was he hoping to gain out of it? Is it an act, and if so, for what reason? How is trolling and dogwhistling for the luls worth it when it empowers disenfranchised creeps to shatter records for the amount of mass shootings per year? The more you try to understand any of it the more elusive it gets. People that evil rarely exist outside of cartoons.
  10. To who's watched it, is it substantially more than an acting reel for Phoenix + comic book movie? Does it pull no punches like Taxi Driver and Fight Club in being a character study of a fucked up person via having a lot to say about its subject, or does it feel like the character study stuff is there mainly to add edge and depth to a Joker origin story if that makes sense?
  11. As I'm playing through this unspoiled and reading files about... now I'm wondering if the story might be revealed to be a Quantum Break sequel or prequel.
  12. It's not that he's attractive now - looking swole DOES make comedians a bit less funny though. Joe Rogan for example was never that funny, but his early days back when he was thin and scrappy were his best as a stand-up because he didn't look like an aggressive bouncer who'd break your neck with ease. An unspoken rule of comedy: the more intimidating and powerful a guy looks, the less funny they're likely to be because the human brain can't feel comfortable enough to laugh while feeling intimidated at the same time.
  13. I mean a main theme of the special is satirizing comedy that punches down, isn't it? And sometimes he tells jokes that apply to some of his own flaws (he's not exactly the most progressive voice on LGBTQ issues lol), making his own ignorance on those subjects the target. I laughed at some of it, cringed sometimes too (mostly it was the intended reaction, I think). Not as good as his earlier stuff, but it was worth a watch. Rightwing haters seem to be loving it for all the wrong reasons as usual and you can't help but wonder to what extent the angrier voices on the left raging over it would find a webcomic like this to be genuinely funny or insightful: Ultimately the new Chappelle seems to be making fun of insensitive humor and those who actually perpetuate it, while also poking fun at anyone who doesn't understand that's what he's trying to do. I have a few critiques about some bits which feel are a bit hacky/antiquated to me, but for the most part I liked it.
  14. If this question is too personal or if for any reason you're not comfortable answering it no worries, but what happened for your situation to result in you being forced to stay with your homophobic family members?
  15. Because it always got the most hype, and did for a long time. Also I'm not just talking about the intentional tutorial sections, but all the moments where the game overexplains the story and quests to you, tells you where to go, what to do, etc. Though I'd agree that most classic 3D zeldas are pretty bad about this.
  16. Was a bit harsh in my previous post, but the amount that classic 3D zeldas, especially OOT, try to guide you to do this and that is too much for me and always felt like a tutorial section that would never end. BOTW removed all of that and expanded on what did work and the series is better for it imho.
  17. There's some talk of deplatforming going on but laughing at footage of these events is much more therapeutic (goodness I'm such a bully!), so keep 'em coming, straights!
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