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Everything posted by ALIEN-gunner

  1. That was the best episode yet. Chow is a damned good director. Good on Kathleen Kennedy for handpicking her. I hear Chow helped create many of the characters and that she will be the director of the Obi-Wan series too.
  2. Clearly most of you have played this game so your opinions are biased. I eagerly await Biggies' fair review; he watched videos!
  3. Anthem gameplay is really good. I hope this overhaul makes it better and it better be free.
  4. They are positive but then there's the other side, some group calling themselves "The Fandom Menace" that's trashing the first episode because they have to keep the angry narrative that Disney has ruined their lives.
  5. That was a great space western. I wish it was longer than 40 minutes. Looking forward to episode 2.
  6. I recently played this and what a damned fine game it turned out to be. The hate is really weird although I suppose some of it was about the AI partner and laxk of checkpoints, but those were fixed in a patch. Today I was suprised to see that the game was updated with free content: more endgame missions, enemies, abilities and areas!
  7. I heard that too but I like the sisters' banter. The hate on this game was really overblown.
  8. I've been playing a lot of Destiny 2 but I decided to try Wolfenstein Youngblood that I got in a sale last month. I should have played it sooner because it's really damned good!
  9. It's hard being broke as hell having to wait until the game is on sale in the future because of descriptions like yours.
  10. I watched someone play an early copy on YouTube. It looks like a fun survival game. I'll probably buy it someday.
  11. None of them were past the first one. They all were a retread other than Salvation which I liked. I suspect sequels keep being made just to hold on to the copywrite.
  12. Bad Terminator sequels really bring out the worst in people, don't they.
  13. What's really bizarre is that when you set a claymore your character says "dropping a claymore" loud enough that enemy players can hear you say it to help them find you.
  14. The developers did say that they made the multiplayer for noobs. They said in an interview that the short TTK is to help new players feel like they have a chance and that the maps were designed so that players could feel safe and can take their time. Safe spaces for noobs: The Game. I can understand why COD players don't like Battlefield.
  15. Remember when Kojima told us we'd be bored for half the game or so? He wasn't tolling. Remember the demonstration at TGS and gamers were hoping there was more to the game? There isn't.
  16. Call of Claymore: Modern Campfare The biggest complaint, even from some of the big COD shills, is that you can't run and gun, you can't rush. Unless you're playing against morons, which is rare with it's skill based matchmaking, the maps are so badly designed that you have to camp and treat every match like a sweaty esport tournament.
  17. There's a new pvp mode in Destiny 2 tailor made for the COD kids where the TTK is quick, no radar, heavy ammo spawns all day and respawn after death is instant. The game is free so it's currently the best thing evar.
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