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Posts posted by MarSolo

  1. One of my production company’s current gigs is with this group in Italy that’s trying to produce their own Magic the Gathering style card game, and my job has been doing a SHIT TON of cleanup on AI generated images that they’ve been trying to use for promotional images.


    I told my boss that after this, we need to put out something about refusing to work with AI images because of eventual legal issues.

  2. I got my beagle when he was 6 months old. The previous owners didn’t have time to take care of him, so my parents adopted him for my sisters as a birthday gift. Turned out, they decided they didn’t want the responsibility so my dad and I ended doing a “joint custody” type deal with him because he was retired and I wasn’t, so he had him when I was working.


    Long story short, the beagle knew where his bread was buttered, so he would go to my old man and beg him for food and my old man would give it to him, but I could leave an entire plate sitting of my food in front of the dog and he wouldn’t even sniff it because he knew it was mine.


    He was also a great wingman, any woman I brought home that he didn’t deliberately hog the attention from was a red flag to me.


    What does this have to do with the topic at hand? Nothing, I just wanted to talk about my dog.

    • Halal 4
  3. 14 hours ago, Reputator said:

    Trump said the special counsel should be "sanctioned or censured" after he issued a scathing critique of Judge Aileen Cannon's request for jury...





    Oh that's rich, Don. That is RICH.


    And of course, he’s “defending” the one judge he appointed.

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