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Everything posted by LazyPiranha

  1. Evil Dead was better than it had any right to be so who knows.
  2. Yes, because I’m sure even if it gets tossed that Abbott will go along with it no problem.
  3. Looks better than the last one, I just wish there was less obvious cgi.
  4. You’re not missing anything except for the sweet, sweet taste of lead based paint.
  5. Edges are superior in barbecue and lasagna and that’s it. The gooey, barely cooked center of brownies, cinnamon rolls, pretzels are the best part by far.
  6. I don’t think that not being the absolute top of the zeitgeist means no one cares anymore, it still has thousands of concurrent players.
  7. If’s like an ouroboros of idiocy. Aaron Rodgers is the stupidest man alive BUT… RFK exists and would make Rodgers VP making Rodgers NOT the stupidest man alive, which in turn makes choosing him NOT the stupidest possible decision which means RFK is now not the stupidest man alive and it reverts back to Rodgers EXCEPT… that makes choosing him the stupidest possible decision so the crown goes BACK to RFK…
  8. I’m not a knee jerk “AI = bad” I just remember there being complaints about it and seeing some sketchy looking shots. I was just curious if anyone actually watched it on disc because a single frame can look terrible in isolation but totally fine in motion and I think the screens were from a stream and not the hard copy.
  9. Has anyone seen them? I remember screen grabs coming out and people saying the 4k remaster on True Lies was some AI upscale bullshit that looked terrible.
  10. You can go to a shitty doctor and get a script for pain pills if you’re dedicated. Should we ban all pain medication? The existence of shitty doctors does not negate actual medicine, it means you deal with the shitty doctor.
  11. I wonder how this all plays out. Are the traditional big GOP spenders going to happily cut the same checks to the obvious grift?
  12. Trump, like most modern nazis, seems to have an Indiana Jones understanding of the man and the country. Even if you ignore the fact the realigning the German economy into a war machine was illegal, it also completely doomed his country. The entire thing ran on stolen wealth and they actually stole LESS than they anticipated. Even if they had somehow “won” WWII, the entire German economy would have fallen to pieces the second it had to do anything but fuel the war. He rebuilt the economy in the same way a cocaine addiction will get you up and moving. There might be a part in the middle where it seems to be doing something, but you were doomed from the start.
  13. It’s 100% true. There are plenty of interviews of chuds where they say the problem is people coming here illegally and they should go through the process, then when asked if we should make the process easier the answer is a hard no.
  14. It’s hard to imagine Dragon Ball even ending, it’s not like there’s some sort of logical conclusion it just goes. Berserk had a major conflict that could, in theory, end.
  15. I certainly think Trump poured gasoline on the fire and that he actively undermined things that could help, but a huge problem with America right now is nonsense conspiracy minded horseshit. I don’t think that if Hilary were president, that the horse paste chugging 5g loonies would have just played ball with everyone else.
  16. Contra IV came out five years after Shattered Soldier and is much better. If you want to scratch the Contra itch, Valfaris is also quite good even if it doesn’t follow the one hit=death formula.
  17. Or the name of a single person killed in similar circumstances between the years of 2016 and 2020.
  18. First Miura, now Toriyama… Araki had better keep bathing in unicorn blood or whatever stops him from aging.
  19. I believe she clarified that she meant rigged in the sense that a ton of money went to a more centrist, less progressive candidate as opposed to actual vote fuckery.
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