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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. If I still did my "Post of the Week" threads from 10 years ago, this would be an insta-winner. I'm dying here.
  2. Lesser Goodfellas is what I thought as well, and I figured it wasn't a must-see as Goodfellas was, but it's just a different film. It has Pesci and De Niro in it, and Pesci is a hothead, but it's a totally different dynamic, De Niro is a different character, the main woman in the film is a different personality entirely, it's its own thing.
  3. I know it hasn't been that long since I saw Goodfellas, but I could have sworn there was much less exposition and much less of him as a kid. It certainly didn't last an hour, right? Before I knew it, we were at "How the fuck am I funny?"
  4. Also, I'm giving Bloodporne a shocked face even though I literally just saw the movie a couple days ago and have no business being shocked.
  5. I would. I can't imagine someone liking Departed, Goodfellas, or Irishman and not liking Casino. Casino is more Irishman length (3 hours). The only thing I wasn't 100% on, mainly due to likely rewatching it down the line, is the first hour is very narration/exposition heavy. Irishman and Goodfellas have narration, but I swore I went, like, the first 30 minutes with barely an regular conversations and mostly narration, setting up all the pieces in the movie. The next 30 minutes had narration but I think a bit more dialogue. Then the next two hours are more regular movie-heavy with some narration. It's not boring, but I felt the most interesting parts happened past that first hour when you just see people being. It may be because there are a ton of moving parts to the film, so it's best to understand everything from the start.
  6. This is one of Scorsese's gangster films that's eluded me for a long time. First, Sharon Stone killed it in this movie. I was completely into her descent as she became less in control. As she smashed her car into DeNiro's and stormed in and ran to the bank, I turned to my gf and said, "This is freaking intense. I love it, but holy shit, I feel like the bottom's about to fall out." But what's confusing me is Nicky's death. First, nice touch having his narration end abruptly as he's hit with a bat. And I get why he's being offed -- he got too out of control, was sent there to protect Sam's interests but started doing his own thing, got into it with Sam's wife, and I guess they suspect him of the car bomb (though it's not actually verified, and I don't know if they figured it out in real life either) -- but what I don't get is why Frankie was so intense about it. Frankie seemed like the one who was on Nicky's side in the movie. He lied to cover for him and met up with him to give him information near the end of the film while covering his mouth. I get the mindset of, "It's either him or me, so I gotta whack him," but I'd have expected him to look more regretful or remorseful about the whole thing considering his relationship with Nicky throughout the film.
  7. No need to spoil the thread with bitchass. Anyway, Biden and Harris are worth listening to if you aren’t watching live. Check out the video later.
  8. Indeed. Part of the problem is deadlines, and the want to turn a story every day, or at least even multiple stories a day and decent size markets. However, since officials rarely make for good soundbites, there are many people in the business who will insist that your story is not just officials. So I wouldn’t lose hope or be pessimistic about the whole thing.
  9. I'd imagine it's because a person still died needlessly. But justice being served feels good for me. YMMV, and that's okay.
  10. I thought the prosecution did very well, but I was prepared for the possibility that I was crazy and the jury didn't agree.
  11. Liking this because when I walked by the TV and heard guilty for 3rd degree, I ran back to my laptop whose stream was behind and then heard guilty for 2nd degree, and this was basically me.
  12. If I was forced to make a bet, I would have bet manslaughter, but I wouldn't have felt comfortable enough to bet a sweep. I mean, why be that confident? Crazy. Bail revoked, he's in custody. Just holy shit.
  13. I saw someone on Reset remind everyone that the OJ verdict took 4 hours, not to be downer but just not to set expectations high from the get-go. Hoping for a guilty but I guess it's best to just wait and see.
  14. That he’s a turd is why I judged that he deserves it. Now I will intentionally make your mega thread posts into their own thread because some of y’all just don’t learn that it’s not that serious If someone posts something you did somewhere else.
  15. Why is it concerning if someone made a thread out of a topic that I'm now seeing you posted on another board in a mega-thread? Y'all are some dumb dumbs, sometimes, in your quest to be the only person who posted something.
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