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Everything posted by Dre801

  1. Reached the ending credits on Far Cry 5 late last night.
  2. Bushido Blade Colony Wars An RE engine Onimusha reboot would be nice; I know they remastered the first game some time ago.
  3. RE1 Remake Remastered. Forgot that I even owned it.
  4. Far Cry 5. I enjoy it when the game lets me. These forced getting captured segments are annoying. It's been done in previous games, but FC5 is the worst offender.
  5. Meh. Can we get some modern Beat 'em Ups? They seem to always be retro/throwback games.
  6. Finished "The Night Agent." Definitely a case of the show writers going in their own direction with the material. The book is considerably different.
  7. "The Night Agent" after watching the show, I of course had to check out the book.
  8. Launching with 30FPS only. W. . .T. . .F? For a game like this? Fidelity Mode should be the later addition, not Performance Mode. Sigh. . .
  9. So he's revealed himself to be just another dirty old pervert sitting behind religious wall. Fuck that guy.
  10. Started watching Narcos. . .finally. Way, way late on this one. I've had it on my Netflix Watchlist since Season One. Enjoying it, so far.
  11. Not really. I do find the JFK Assassination fascinating. I've even read, "Not in Your Lifetime." and have the Warren report on my Kindle. Oliver Stone's JFK is one of my favorite films too. I too have a tough time believing in the Lone Gunman theory.
  12. I bought a physical copy years ago for cheap. It's just an OK game with a cool concept wrapped around it. Some would say the same about Control, but I liked that game considerably more.
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