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Captain Pickle

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Everything posted by Captain Pickle

  1. Right. Like, fuck you, what’s your agenda
  2. Don’t you mean ‘runs for the toilet’?
  3. Thanks for posting this. Watching for mankind now
  4. Your post doesn’t make any sense
  5. That’s amazing! I was a genesis kid. No Nintendo in my home plus, I love the planet. and speedos
  6. Ha. I was going to say it might be a bit different in Canada.
  7. My wife was on a project that gave homeless people with mental illness and drug addiction a home and found that it saved a bunch of money simply from removing the strain on ER in hospitals.
  8. Fair nuff. Although, my wife used to work with them and had nothing bad to say. However, she work with them in a positive setting
  9. Well this stupid thread took a turn down even stupider lane
  10. The villain is creating the perfect bike
  11. Because the bike is locked up but the tires are easy to take. It was a 1997 mongoose. Shittiest tires
  12. @Biggie how is this confusing. I mean you’re right I’ll probably drive my car more but I thought it was pretty clear. Plus, I wanted to air my frustration about this and saw an opportunity
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