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Everything posted by Biggie

  1. When I read their threads or posts it’s like I’m having a stroke. I don’t understand a thing they are saying.
  2. Thank you!!! Very generous of you seriously.
  3. True. But atleast you’ll always have better posts than @Remarkableriotsand @CastletonSnob
  4. Ok now that Gary has ordered his PS5 from Target and it’s shipping soon can we please get back to the important task of today. Which is buying me the digital version of GoW Ragnarök for PS5. Thank you.
  5. I tried to tell them. 🤷‍♀️ Welcome back to the boards.
  6. I wish the Falcons played every Thursday. Having all these great games on today to watch has been awesome. It’s good to see how actual good football clubs play without having to suffer through Falcons shit.
  7. Currently playing through GoW 2018 (never played it before) and it just keeps getting better and better. Fantastic game! Can’t wait to play Ragnarök when I get finished with it.
  8. I’m playing on EZ PZ mode so I’m going through it pretty fast.
  9. Wakes up. Checks to see if anyone bought me the digital version of Ragnarök.
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