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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I keep meaning to get back into playing but it means subtracting from my hookers and blow budget so I don't.
  2. So this election will be a 74 year old incumbent running against either a 79 year old or a 78 year old, with a chance a spry spring chicken at 70 will be other choice. That's just fucking great. Maybe they can all die before November and we can have a real election.
  3. Completely fine with it, like GTA VC and SA with their loaded casts. And IV and V were fine too. I just want to hear some quality VA, and really at this point I'm a little tired of Nolan North, Troy Baker, and Laura Baily voicing damn near everyone.
  4. Back to dark souls 3 since I don’t know what else I want to play and of course I want to run like 5 builds
  5. Only one I'll ever always remember is up up down down left right left right BA Start
  6. Well we could hope this is like the time Gabbard completely body bagged Harris and Harris never recovered, but Bloomberg is too well funded. I think the big outcome will more of a boost to Warren than a fall for Bloomberg. He obviously didn't help himself any, but he's still plastering himself all over I assume everything Super Tuesday related. Warren needs a boost from this because Bernie is starting to pull away.
  7. While Bloomberg was scalped in a debate most people didn't see, I saw at least 5 of his commercials while watching Masked Singer, he ain't going away anytime soon.
  8. Dodger


    Hey look at me with all these posts, shower me with upvotes and stuff.
  9. While there are a few that are clever, most vanity plates are stupid. Having "BigBoss" on your BMW 330 isn't impressive.
  10. I was going to get both at launch but looking at $1000+ games is probably going to be too steep for me to do that. I'll probably just get the XSX because of Games Pass, but if Sony drops that Demons Souls Remake as a launch title as rumored I pretty have to get the PS5. This is going to be tough.
  11. How did it do on Sega CD? I remember that being one of the top ports and it certainly seemed to look and play way better to me, outside of the shitty load times.
  12. I was going to joke post and say coming to a caucus near you but that doesn't actually sound too bad.
  13. Or lets just not be weird creepy lying fucks on the internet
  14. Fuck maybe? I'm getting old and don't remember
  15. Medicare/cal and I suppose caid for other states pay almost nothing. I've seen a $90,000 ER bill get reduced down to $250, which is too crazy. Still, we can always rework the fee schedule. Healthcare in this country sucks, I already pay several hundred a month for coverage, and it still blows and I still don't won't see a doctor unless I absolutely have to, so bring on the "tax" for it. We definitely have to rework the fee schedule to make it all work though, so probably don't just take what they currently pay out and extrapolate it out to the whole population to figure out what it would all cost us. Because seriously, they pay peanuts on the actual bill. Yes the bills can and should be lower, but what the government pays currently has to be way too low to be workable.
  16. I don't remember him ever going on about being some successful home owner but maybe that's on Discord or something which I'm never on. And biggie has been fine ever since he got off the CEB. I will say that Massa richie rich thing was annoying and that Elf shit with Cnut was fucking weird though.
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