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Everything posted by Moa

  1. I remember there being some trial and error to AC4 but I don't remember it being as brutally difficult as the Souls games. The difficulty was more in finding the right build for each mission and less in mechanical difficulty and pattern recognition.
  2. Based on what I've seen of this game, I'm impressed at how stubbornly From Software appears to have stuck to the AC formula that was outdated even in 2006. I'm curious how this game will be received by From Software's new audience. I suspect a lot of people will buy it, praise it, then put it down to gather dust. I also wonder how the multiplayer will be. With AC4 it was basically 1v1s in a small arena, and I spent most of my time using meta builds from forums to clown on people. Nowadays everyone will be running "#1 MOST BROOOKEN AC BUILD" from youtube, and I kind of doubt the game's balance will hold up to the immense effort power gamers are now able to expend on breaking games.
  3. Between the characters I like, the ones I want to bang, and the ones who’s utility I need there simply isn’t enough room in my party.
  4. I feel like bard is the obvious choice. If you're going to be the main character, your player character might as well know it.
  5. It kind of seems like everyone involved in this is a piece of work. With absolutely no basis other than vibes I feel like Cavill is not the saint the internet wants him to be, and is probably a difficult personality.
  6. I’ve never played a David Cage and I know it’s very hot to shit on him, but I remember Heavy Rain being very well received at the time.
  7. Getting tangential, I've coincidentally been watching a supercut of Joseph Anderson playing Life is Strange. It's a good time. I'm currently at the Act 5 twist in which Joe learns that "schmooze" is a real word.
  8. The ending of Little Hope made me hate the game. That's definitely not the intended ending, even if it was retroactively canonized. People are free to prefer whichever ending they do, but that ending sabotages the pretty clear themes of the game.
  9. The changes seem good, nice QoL stuff for end game and making basic attacks feel more impactful. I think Blizzard has done a good job implementing easier changes while communicating their intent to address bigger issues with season 1.
  10. This reminds me of Duskers, although a lot of the fun of that game was controlling it with frantic real-time command prompt use.
  11. At this point in the strike analogy, what the mods are doing is keeping he McDonald’s open but cumming in the food.
  12. Kind of a dick move but I'm calling nothingburger on the whole thing. If reddit had always had this policy nobody would care. I'll publicly admit I was wrong if reddit changes course or if this appreciably harms reddit in any way. Reddit will die the same way every other social media site dies, banning explicit content after going publc/being bought.
  13. It was a fun feel good way to end a fun feel good show. Was I blind or did they make Rupert's actor wear a fat suit for the finale? Also, my god did they make Ted's ex's fiance, whatever his name is, a turbo-douche that episode.
  14. There are a lot of sidequests, and you'll probably drive yourself insane trying to do them all while moving through the campaign at a snail's pace. The campaign missions themselves also stop scaling at level 50, so if you go very completionist you might find yourself overlevelling the campaign, but that's kinda whatever.
  15. It's interesting looking at how PoE 2 has changed since the original trailers. It feels like both it an Diablo 4 had significant convergent evolution on a slower, darker, meatier style, which I personally like.
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