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Everything posted by AlwaysDyingX

  1. But what about the other 29 minutes of the alert you cant hear ?
  2. San Franciso 49'ers $600 QUESTIONS 1) 49'ers FG 2) DallASS 3) Panthers and Saints 4) Bears 5)Houston Tennessee New England
  3. Everyone knows Wally, damn shame he wasnt allowed in
  4. I'm mostly anti mask because as soon as the county I work in goes "moderate exposure" my work makes us mask up. Full blown pandemic? I'd probably wear it lol . I really didn't go anywhere during covid. I did store pick up or early morning shopping but I did wear it.
  5. Its never going to go away. Its never going to be as strong as it was in the beginning due to the constant mutation of the virus. Most people who test really dont even need to. Its like having the common fucking cold now. However, I'll still get the vaccine because why not. I get the flu shot every year and Im still here But fuck ever wearing a mask again.
  6. I chuck them overboard and check twice a day lol. No work at all for me
  7. Week 1 Philly, Baltimore, Minnesota, Jacksonville, Washington Week 2 Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, New Orleans, LA Chargers
  8. I've won this thing twice so I figured I'd pop back in to win 3 out of 6.
  9. Once a day. Didnt drop them yet, flies were too bad. Taking them out tomorrow. I'll spot check them around hour 6 then leave them for 24 hours.
  10. Thanks. Having some breakfast then heading out on the boat to set my commercial crab traps
  11. It always marks the start of my two week vacation 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
  12. We know you really want to get started, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer. Check the Store for the launch date.
  13. I live in the greatest country in the world. We have the highest wages, best weather, amazing health care and not to mention we've never lost a war. So why would I ever leave? In all seriousness though if I were to it would ABSOLUTELY NOT be some backwards ass muslim country, its like FLorida but with more brown people
  14. Why did none of Acuna's teammates come to his defense/rescue last night, is he disliked?
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