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AbsolutSurgen last won the day on July 16 2021

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  1. They’re nothing special. They’re just really cheap. It’s mid at best.
  2. Take 2 is a huge publisher, they previously claimed to have over 30 games (obviously some would be annual releases of sports games) to be released before the end of 2026 FY. With, an additional 18 mobile games on top of that.
  3. Tournament Play is somewhat different than casual play. Organized Play -- everything from store championships all the way up to worlds is a way of getting people to play. Having active communities in a LGS is a great way of bringing in new players. I recognize that many of the people who are into MCP/Legion/Shatterpoint are in in more for the painting, than the actual playing. That's not the case for X-Wing, and probably not for Armada. I don't think AMG should be paying for tickets and hotels, but I do think they need to hold a "World Championship". If they don't, I think the community will do one -- and it will likely be online.
  4. I don’t think bosses are a big part of the FPS genre. Which is why so many of them culminate with a set piece.
  5. Games in 2024 are objectively better than 20 years ago. I’m only including games I’ve played, and 1 per franchise. If Halo 3 came out today, exactly as it originally released, with only a single player campaign, it wouldn’t review well. The best FPS games strongest points are their multiplayer, which is ignored in this ranking. Agreed. If I were to consider it a single player campaign, I would rate it very highly.
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