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Paperclyp last won the day on December 16 2018

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  1. It looks pretty action-y. I'm into that. If I ever finish Persona 5 maybe I'll give this a look.
  2. it has a really cool basic premise but they set up some potentially interesting characters that don’t end up paying off imo. But I should reserve judgment until I’ve seen the “true” ending.
  3. I saw credits. I see I can trigger one of two endings now. I will probably do the one that gives me more main quests. Weird game. I feel like they really botch the last 1/3 of the main plot.
  4. The giant bomb GOTY debate about this game in 2015 popped up on my YouTube. They argued passionately for about 30 mins about it, whether or not it should be most disappointing. It makes me feel vindicated that Austin was vouching for the game.
  5. It's a quality kids show that doesn't treat kids like they're morons, has good messages, and is pretty funny. There is a sea of shit content out there for kids, like you would not believe just total garbage, so it's a breath of fresh air to get something that's enjoyable to watch for adults. Episodes are also a great length. I'm also very partial to Peppa Pig. There are also nods in Bluey to pretty dark themes, like they clearly allude to a miscarriage in one episode and it's pretty emotional.
  6. I’m not grabbing that from someone who might take more advantage … I’m replaying 4 and happy as a clam with that.
  7. What is fallout 76 even? Is it like an action MMO? Is it just a fallout game what you can play with other people? I can’t seem to get a handle on it. I think I own it for Pete’s sake it must have been free on +.
  8. With the established monsters being pretty old at this point it makes sense, but it’s still somewhat surprising to me.
  9. I can imagine why someone might pick COD4's campaign, but other than the presentation / freshness of it at the time, most of the other games on this list shit all over it in terms of just playing an FPS single player game.
  10. Nobody is telling you you can’t have those preferences. But when someone makes a statement like the game doesn’t respect your time, you’re opening it up to debate. The game makes no allusions to what it is, so like I said you have to meet it on its terms. You can say you don’t like it, but if you buy Tetris knowing it’s a game that you try to clear lines in and you’re saying it doesn’t respect your time cuz you want to clear cubes, maybe that’s on you. (I know biggie made that claim I’m just explaining why we responded).
  11. None of what I'm about to say is groundbreaking, it's said much better than I ever could in other articles / blurbs across the web, but I think it's a big reason Dark Souls was such a hit. We had gotten so homogenous in terms of quest / mission design in games, to the point where it felt like game makers didn't respect our ability to figure out harder problems without holding our hand. Or didn't want us to miss some cool part of the game that they worked so hard on so that they needed to make absolute certainly we wouldn't miss it. Many people look back on Morrowind so fondly because it encouraged you to figure that shit out, and you had to get there. We made this world, there are some ways to get through it a bit faster, but THIS is the game. You're going from place to place encountering stuff, getting side tracked, maybe you don't fuckin make it cuz you shouldn't have gone there or you weren't as well prepared as you shoulda been or what have you. Those have been my favorite games over the last 10 years or so. Design your game so I don't have a choice - I have to engage with the world / combat / whatever and I can't cheese my way out of it very easy. Cuz I'm stupid like that. I think I would like Skyrim more if I couldn't fast travel - or if it was way more limited. But if it's in there, I'm gonna use it. Save me from myself.
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