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Guillotine Operator
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Jason last won the day on April 23

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  1. GOP-Controlled Arizona House votes to repeal abortion ban, advancing issue to state Senate https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/24/arizona-abortion-ban/
  2. My problem isn't even legroom so much as seat width. United has a 3-4-3 economy on some of its transcon flights, I was in one of the 3s and this huge guy (not fat just a brick shithouse) sits down next to me and it was impossible for me to sit without contorting (broad shoulders). Managed to snag an aisle on the 4 seat a row up that was open, then that guy boarded and sat down in my seat instead of making me switch back. Doubly surprising because I had what must have been the only open seat on the flight next to me by sitting in this guy's seat. That flight would have been torture, I'm still traumatized.
  3. And then GM canceled the Bolt. The price for the new one presumably won't be that low. It'll also have their new shit in-house infotainment system instead of Android Auto/CarPlay.
  4. Conservative justices appear skeptical federal law requires emergency abortion care https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/24/supreme-court-arguments-abortions-emergency-emtala/
  5. Easy to have a flawless record if you just say the duds don't count.
  6. In a non-shithole country he'd be in prison a long time ago for all the blatant stock price manipulation.
  7. The I-was-born-yesterday charitable interpretation of noncompetes is that it's to prevent you from taking trade secrets to a competitor. But that's already illegal, you don't need noncompetes to enforce that.
  8. Ooh this would have been handy when I was tutoring, one of the sites I looked at wanted a cut of every single tutoring session I got through them. Could have used them to find clients and then moved the clients off-app after the first session.
  9. Five minutes after the contempt hearing, but you know why not if you rightly think nobody will actually put you in jail for contempt. https://bsky.app/profile/helenkennedy.bsky.social/post/3kqsniolwak23
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