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Everything posted by number305

  1. As others have said - I have a PC and would probably buy this if I could connect it. I'm not sure why they wouldn't write a couple of drivers and release their software. It would just be more hardware and software sales for them.
  2. With gamepass I probably have that many started and unfinished games this year.
  3. Super unpopular opinion here: I haven't been able to make it through 2049. I think the visuals are amazing... hell I even purchased it on 4k a long while back. It just moves so slow, I have tried to watch it 3 times and have found myself falling asleep during the movie every time. Maybe I need to load up on red bull and give it another shot. I want to like it. I loved Dunc.
  4. Are we counting Cruella in the live action versions... cause that was decent. I think the only other one I have seen was the jungle book - and I only really liked the Christopher Walken part. I have no desire to see this... but I'm way out of the demographic.
  5. I saw Lee Child (author of the Jack Reacher books) speak once and this topic came up. His take was that the books are separate and safe from any other media that is created. If you love the books - nothing that is done on screen detracts from them. You can keep reading them forever and they won't have changed. He knew the movies that they made (this was before the series) were disliked by many of his book lovers, and he was pretty up front that he really enjoyed the money that he got from them...
  6. From what I have read the 'steamboat willie' version of mickey mouse enters the public domain in 2024. But the more well known version of Mickey will never enter public domain because he is also the company logo.
  7. I would agree. Bean is in his mid 60's. I'm guessing you could ask him about almost any change and he would say it was better the way they did it back in the good old days, but the actress does say that Bean made her feel comfortable and talked with her about what was going on. People always prefer things they way they were done in their 20's - 30's. This is a great reason we should get younger decision makers... in a lot of areas.
  8. I thought the first two seasons were both better than season 3... but it was still better than most of what is on - also they deserve some slack for how long it got delayed and pushed around. I can't really see a reason for another season. Every storyline pretty much got wrapped up.
  9. Obviously. What I mean is find a way to shake up the formula. If they do the same movie in another time period it is going to get stale. Predator comes - fights and kills all the hero's friends. Hero discovers his weak point, exploits it and wins. We should see at some point a predator collect some skulls and add them to his ship, then fly away with a victory. Maybe have a predator fight a bunch of Nazi's. Everyone likes to see them lose. A predator isn't a good guy, but maybe he unintentionally frees some Jews or something. I don't know. Just find another story angle.
  10. I have a couple of thoughts about this. First - how big a population is the predator race? I mean how many times have they visited Earth? - With all the planets and species available to hunt why would they be returning to earth so often? Second - Do the Predators ever win? (to be fair I have only seen the original, 2, and Prey) But the same thing kind of keeps happening and the Predators keep getting beat. That does not seem like the way it should go. They are supposed to be pro's at this. I would think they would win more often than lose.
  11. After reading that - that trailer does not look very historically accurate. The historical women started having to fight because their men were getting killed and enslaved by other African tribes. Then a big reason for having the women fight was to secure more slaves for their own tribe. They did clash twice with the French, and lost both times being decimated and disbanded after the second conflict.
  12. Can someone explain this to me like i'm 5... If HBOMAX goes away is that different than HBO? Like what happens to the new GOT show, or shows like Barry? Where would older shows like the wire etc end up?
  13. There were some comments here that quality didn't factor in... This article says otherwise. 'Irredeemable' 'Batgirl' movie gets 'shelved' by Warner Bros. despite... NYPOST.COM The new DC Comics film “Batgirl,” which still has no release date, will be completely “shelved” by Warner Bros., a top Hollywood source told The Post. From the article: The reportedly $70 million movie (the source said the budget was actually more than $100 million), which was doing test screenings for audiences in anticipation of a late 2022 debut, would rank among the most expensive cinematic castoffs ever. Those tests were said to be so poorly received by moviegoers that the studio decided to cut its losses and run, for the sake of the brand’s future. It’s a DC disaster.
  14. I'm kind of surprised people are recommending the new Doom games for this. Those are great games... but if you take an extended break and come back to them it is hard to jump back in. Takes a while to remember all the timing and weapon switching and such. Very muscle memory intensive game. My recommendation for a shooter would be sniper elite 5. There is a story there but I usually skip through it. I play in short bursts. Kill some Nazi's. Set up some long range shots, snap some necks and I'm good for a while.
  15. Probably a different conversation - but for me 8 bit and 16 bit are fine. The generation that is really hard to revisit is the PS1. Those games are so blocky and blurry - and they still had not figured out 3d cameras... really hard to enjoy most of those games now.
  16. That is funny - because it is one of the most racist things I have read online in a minute.
  17. I just finished Valour - by John Gwynne. Just started Fahrenheit 451 - By Bradbury Listening to Nemesis - By Asimov
  18. My experience is that it gets worse. My kids are preteen - and they want to play games. So sometimes I play with them, or I read.
  19. As has been pointed out this book has been adapted several times, and none of them follow what was written. If this sequel gets made it just resets the clock by another decade or so before someone will try again. Maybe someday someone will follow the book. Honestly probably a better shot for a faithful adaptation on streaming somewhere - because the book ending will never test well with audiences.
  20. I think that there are definite times where breaking all the rules works for certain individuals and can even propel them to higher greatness. As an example you would think spelling and sentence structure would be important for a author - but Cormac McCarthy has turned that around in many of his novels. Hedberg is great because he breaks the rules. It would not be a good template for others to try to follow because he was a genius.
  21. The construction scene with the brontosaurus gives me strong Flintstones vibes. I really hope the whistle blows and Chris Pratt slides down it's back yelling yabba dabba do. My other thought watching that was that it looks a lot like a mission impossible movie with dinosaurs.
  22. I think you are right, but I'm not sure they are choosing the right path. I think leaning into what they do best would help differentiate them. However these live service games can be cash cows for a decade if you get them right... so I guess I can understand chasing that.
  23. I think all the same arguments for exclusive content that work for Microsoft work for Sony. I fully expect future COD and Elder Scrolls games to be Xbox exclusive (where game pass is available ) However any ftp multiplayer stuff or Warzone, Elder Scrolls online etc... will probably be multi platform. If there is a Destiny 3 it might be multi platform - but there will be every reason for the best stuff to be PS 1st or PS only. Also if they have something else non destiny cooking - you better have a PS if you want to play it.
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